Because every project needs some of them :D

Jun 21, 2015 14:27

1. How does an exchange work? --> You sign up HERE, answer all the questions in your sign-up post (you'll find a proper explanation following the previous link), you wait for the sign-ups to end, get your assignment and start writing.

2. Submissions must be at least 1000 words in length. There is no maximum.

3. Fics need to be beta-read. If you can't find a beta, don't worry, captain (oh, how I wish ^^) I will find you find.

4. As this is an Senpai exchange, shift your focus on Senpai pairings (inlcuding any kind of Senpai crossovers) For example: 2Top, Sakamoto/Nagano, Okada/Ken... Okada/Tsuyoshi etc.

5. Crossovers with Juniors are allowed of course but please name at least TWO Senpai pairings!

6. You're welcome to request and offer to write drama crossovers as well, but try to at least have one normal pairing in your sign-up as well (for example (Ando Lloyd/Ando Asahi and Kimura/Goro)

7. Het, of course, is allowed and appreciated too.

8. This is an anonymous exchange. So please keep your assignment as a secret. Once we revealed the authors (after the posting period), you are free to re-post your stories wherever you want

9. As you realized there is plenty of time to get your fic written, so don't start too late. Please try to finish your assignment on time!

10. Once you are finished sent us your fics to captain-mod [at] gmx [dot] at. More details about that point will come once the assignments are out.

You have questions? Don't be afraid to ask :-)


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