Prompt 2: Pulled Along by Love - Team Present

Dec 04, 2008 08:15

Title: Pulled Along By Love
Rating: PG-13 for the most part (one part gets close to R without being terribly descriptive.)
Pairing: Yamashita Tomohisa/Abiru Yuu, Hints of Tanaka Koki/Abiru Yuu, Issa (from Da Pump)/Abiru Yuu, and Yamashita Tomohisa/Kitagawa Keiko
Summary: Yamapi has a routine-even if he doesn't quite realize it himself-that Yuu really wishes she hadn't figured out herself. So when he brings her to Hawaii yet again, she doesn't know if she should hope that she's wrong or just accept what's to come.
Prompt: Tackey & Tsubasa's Venus.
Warnings: Does Het need to be warned? lol One part that gets really close to sexing (again, if that needs to be warned).
Notes: All information about Abiru Yuu and her relationships is from Wiki or the various rumors all over the place - most from uwasako. As such, I took lots and lots of liberties. Lol Thanks to my teammate for reading this over on multiple takes as it was being written and letting me know her opinion. As well as R for always listening to me whine away about this. You're both loved dearly. ♥♥♥

"Hawaii. Let's go to Hawaii," he breathes.

Poll Team Present - Pulled Along by Love

round 1: prompt 02, pairing: het, team: present

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