Aug 12, 2013 10:46

Dear gamers,

before the referee makes the final decision, it is necessary to hear the voice of reason (or voice of masses, you chose). There is a huge slump in JE fic, and many exchanges has stopped running or suffered drastic drop in participation. While Fic Games isn’t an exchange, mods fear the same faith. Especially since for Fic Games to be fun, there should be several members in each team. Thus, here is the poll time!

Poll Fic Games 2013

The schedule would be quite similar to last year, with assignments going up at the beginning of September and due date for submissions at the end of October. Please answer honestly and direct people who are interested to the poll as well.

If you have anything else to say, please do not hesitate to comment on this entry or email us.

year: 2013, !mod post

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