Title: Relatively Normal (Or Not)
Pairing/Group: KAT-TUN, Gen
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: None really. Maybe some language.
Summary: Nakamaru Yuichi isn’t most people. Now if only he could accept that little fact about himself.
Notes: Inspired mainly by Run For You PV setting, but with a mix of Change Ur World too. Little bits were also inspired by the
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i think all the comments said what i thought about the fic in general, though i feel like i need to assert again how wonderful this. this is really, really amazing? like it's everything i want from a pv fic and more? i love that you flexed out how the characters know each other, how they interact and how they eventually escape and plan to do...stuff. i found myself clutching at my chest at the end of every section because T__T
but most of all i'm really touched by the way you characterised nakamaru. i might be thinking too much into this but i love how in the beginning of the fic nakamaru seems to constant correct himself using the words he really wants to use but doesn't because he's a nice guy like that. this strikes me as really nakamaru-ish, coz i always feel like his biggest charm is that he always know the exact word to use, idk what to call a person who's a perfect describe-r but he's like that? and in this fic because he's placed after a traumatic incident he has to come to terms with it and yet his true personality battles with his compliance towards his lack of faith in himself. i know this sounds ridiculous that i'm pointing this out but i really feel like this is an awesome touch to his character and for that, i cannot thank you enough.
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