Sep 05, 2009 20:09

BY: je_fan_story8
summary: Ryo gets dreams from his past about the event that happened with his girlfriend, Ai, dumping
him because she cheated on him or was there another reason she kept too herself. Ai has a gift of making
people fall in love with her. years past and johnny himself told NEWS to go and see a new girl singer at the
top of the charts since after a month into her debut to come into johnny's entertainment to be the first johnny
girl. after they met, ryo finds out that it's his ex. Ai had suffer from memory lost and had forgotten him,
But what caused it? will ryo be able to start over or will he get his revenge, after he finds out about her
new boyfriend. and to this event will Ai's world be shadered to pieces because of ryo's decision or will
the old pieces be put back together again? whose heart will be broken, will anybody be happy? plz read
and find out. the next summary will be a few chapters from now. thx for reading. XD

chapter 1

part 1

        It's raining, i'm running to find Ai. "i don't want you to leave, don't go, please, i love you. i never told you

that because it never came out right. symbals did. you never understand that but you didn't care and said

the same thing to me as a joke. i care about you please don't go!" i shouted and cried on the phone as i

fell to my knees on the ground. hoping that she would take in the things i said so that she would come

back, "can we talk it over face to face?"

"there is nothing to talk about." Ai said and hung up.

"why???" i said as i was saoking in rain , i threw my cellphone to the ground and cried more when an

umbrella went over my head. as i looked up, i saw Ai.

"you said you wanted to talk face to face right, and now here i am. there rea--"

"Ai, please, why. why did you?!" i stood up and grabbed her and shook her as hard as i can, "why! didn't i

do my best or is it that i did something wrong that made you dump me and run away? tell me?!!!!!"

"you didn't do anything wrong, i did. i was about to say why right now until you started. now here it is, there

really isn't anything to talk about because i'm at fault, i cheated, and i lied. i played with you and i'm sick

of you.' Ai said firmly and with a straight face, " that's all."

"you could have told me before i fell in love with you Ai." i whispered to Ai while tears rolled down my eyes

so fast and hard that i could only see a blur and i couldn't see Ai's expression, "if you did that, my heart

wouldn't be hurt so much."

"who said i was in love with you nishi-kun,( ryo-kuns real name is ryo nishikido, nishikido is his first

name so my dad said nishi or kido was a shorter version of nishikido so i picked nishi) don't go into what

you believe.we're different, different feelings, diferent worlds. and that's it. i have a meeting so i have to go

now and forget about me fast, it's better that way. sayonara nishi-kun." those were the last words i heard

from Ai as she walked away.

"NO, NO. NO" i yelled as i woke up, then i realized that i was in bed and sweaty from the dream. it's

been 3 years now. Ai would be 21 by now. what would happen if i really said "don't go, i love you stay with

me." and that other stuff like in the dream instead of what i really said that night on the phone "why Ai, why

did you leave me,  your just like all the other girls that dated me for fame and money. was that your  true

intention." why was that the only thing changed in the dream. did i really wonder if things would have

changed if i said those things. do i still wonder now? am i still in love with her? i don't know, why am i

thinking this now. we haven't met for 3 years. i don't even know if she still healthy or what ever.

ring ring ring.....

i picked up the phone, "hello, isn't it NEWS's break this week?" i said causually.

"we need you this week, but not for work, it's for persuading a person to agree to join johnny's as the

first johnny girl. the other members will join you this week as well .so it will be like your same vacation but

with a girl, welcome her and make sure she's comfortable with you guys to sing with you and that may

cause a promotion on NEWS!" johnny said with excitment in his voice., "do you understand?"

" yes sir." i said

"okay, come to the association for further information, i made an appiontment for NEWS to meet her at

the time she's ready today  so see you later Bye" johnny said and hung up.

"why do i have too do it?" i said after i put down the phone.

the phone rang again....

i looked at the collar ID and it was from somebody i didn'y know. who was it?

i picked up the phone and said, "hello, whom am i speaking to?"

"oh, i'm sorry, johnny told me to call you right now sorry for disturbing you? do you have time to speak?' she asked.

that voice, i know it, it can't be right it's impossible. right? 
part 2

" yea, your the girl johnny talked about right?" i said with a grin on my face, " you are disturbing me but go

ahead." i tried to say the meanest way possible since its because of her that my break is over.

"oh, i'm sorry." she said, i could hear her sniff, "johnny told me to call you and introduce myself to the

representative of NEWS."

"is that all it's about?" i said ticked off by it, "we're meeting today so why don't you do it there."

" oh okay, did johnny tell you where to meet me at?" she said.

"no." i said plainly, "why don't you tell me"

"it's my birthday today and i'm turning 21. we're going to the star knight club to celebrate and i was

hoping that you guys could come."

"what time is it at?' i said.

"at 9 today, it's okay if you dont, than we'll just meet in the afternoon and stuff." she said.

maybe i'll go so that i can have today to sleep, "okay, i'll see you there with NEWS." i said happily, "i'll call

them and meet you at star knight club."

"thank you," she said so happily that i was going to say why are you so peppy early in the morning but

decided not to, " so then, i'll meet you guys there."

she hung up, oh but i forgot to ask her who she was, oh well, she sounded so familier guess it

can't be helped.

i picked up the phone and called PI. the phone rang and PI picked up, "hello" he said.

"yo, it's me, did you get the call from johnny yet?" i said.

"the one about the girl right?" PI said, "then yea i did."

"she called me and said we're meeting at the star knight club." i said jokingly, "she wants to meet

there for celabration of her birthday, is she going to get drunk today or something?"

"then we get to go to the club," PI said happily, " it's been awhile since i gone."

"yea, me to, do me a favor." i asked, "tell the others to meet her there at 9pm too."

"why?" he said, "aren't you supposed to? its your job? aren't you always saying 'do your job' and

'don't tell others to' and stuff like that?" PI said madly.

"yea, but why during our break, its been a long time since we had one," i said, "please, do it for

your best friend"

" dont give me that crap, i might make you angry somtimes but dont make me mad about the friend

crap!" PI said angrily, "but this is the last thing i'm doing for you."

"thank you, now i'll be going now and have fun calling, " i laughed after and pissed PI off more and then

hung up.

"so what should i do now," i looked at the clock, it was 10:08 am, "11 more hours to go. maybe i'll go

shopping with my friends. or maybe just work out at the gym, wait no I can't

i have to meet johnny today damn it." i said, while i sat there angerly i though of something else.

i picked up the phone and called keii-chan.

ring ring ring....... he answered

"hello, ryo-chan, why r u calling on a off day?" keii-chan said.

"we dont have an off day anymore, johonny said we have to meet a girl today." i said.

"oh, why today..... i wanted to sleep, u know how my cheeks get bloated if i wake

up too early." keii-chan said miserbly.

"i know, i know... keii-chan, do me a favor and go to the association." i said sweetly, " plz go there and

pick up the information on the person we're meeting."

"k, i got it, bye" keii-chan said and hung up.

that went better than i expected. i said to my self. now im going to bed again

part 3
(this ones alittle short but there's gonna be a major one next chapter)

the phone rang and i opened my eyes... it's dark outside now

"hello, " i answered.

"your late, are u coming or not ryo-chan?" it was PI.

"yea, what time is it?" i murmured.

"it's almost 9:15" pi said, "r u still at home?"

"oh crap, i was sleeping since the morning!"

"ya no get ur sleeping butt over here." Pi said.. I knew he was angry because of his tone.

"what time is the party over?" i asked.

"11:30" pi said.

"okay, ill come in 20. c u there" i said

Pi hung up and i knew if johnny found out about this then i'd be dead. so i rushed and put on some

jeans and my new t-shirt and ran out. before i knew it i was at the star night club.

PI was at the front entrince, "so ur here, 5 minutes before the time you said u'd be here."

"yea i know, is the party okay?" i said. "does johnny know i almost skipped?"

"the party is alwsome, u should see whose also here. and johnny doesnt know

unless Ai tells him, but i doubt it." PI said with a smile

"whose Ai?" i said. i hate that name!

"the girl johnny told us about. she's turning 21." Pi said, " she's nice, kind, and hot. now let go

in so u can see what i mean"

we walked in. i saw news at the bar counter and with kamenishi kazuya and

akanishi jin there to.but how come?

the girl started to walk toward us, she put her hand out and said,"hi, u must be the person i talked to on the

phone at ten this morning. i'm Ai." she shooke my hand and i looked closely at her. "what's ur name."

its Ai. the Ai from 3 Years ago. the one i loved. the one that went away. the one i hate the most. but

why is my heart beating so fast?

"u dont remember me? Ai it's me ryo nishikido!" i yelled at her

"no, i dont know u" she said.

"it's nishi-kun. remember nishi-kun." i yelled.

" Nishi-ku- - -" Ai started to say, then froze. her eyes were empty when i saw her eyes.

thats when i realize she was still holding my hand.

a guy popped up behind Ai and said, " Ai, are you planning to hold his hand forever?" he stopped and

waved his hands in front of Ai's eye. "Ai, are u alright?" he started struggling,and shook "Ai, snap out of it!! Ai!"

he stopped and murmured, "it's happening again, but why now." he looked up at me, "it's you,

why are you here, it's becuz of you!"

when he said that, Ai fainted and fell backwards. PI looked confused but he went and

helped the guy out at lifting Ai up. when the guy said to Pi and me " come with me,

no one can see Ai like this, not with these people in the club."

me and Pi shook our heads and followed the guy.

(this is the last chapter for this entry, the next chapter is going to be in another entry with the same name
but different summery) thanx for reading


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