OMG~!! It's been so long since I last updated.
Gomenasai darls, no animated gifs as such just now becos I've been busy with work and kinder lost motivation to complete the 2nd series I started... like long time ago =3
Well as for now, just a quick update. I've been gradually converted into a Korean fanatic (is that the right term?) so I'm going through a Korean phase atm and haven't been spazzing over my JE boys for a while (I feel so unloyal =.=)
Forgive me!
I just wanna share some drawings I drew of Tegoshi and Pi-chan, something that will keep my JE subsequently alive.
Still working on these drawings. I've put them down for too long and haven't touched them for a while. So need motivation (=v=)
{Deviantart} Hope you guys like it!
SUPER JUNIOR IS FLY~!!! Hankyungie <3