Aug 25, 2008 16:10
so I just sat through my 1st grad school class... CED 603 - Counseling Theory
- exciting?: pretty much
- interesting:? the teacher is friggin hilarious talking about hammer, hands in buckets, and snowflakes
- classmates: pretty nice (all girls lol)
- papers?: only 1
I really think I'm going to enjoy being a grad student... and I have that same teacher for my next class @ 4:30 so it should be an long, but entertaining Monday.
My goal is to look over what notes I get today tonight when I get home... hopefully starting a good habit :)
but it was so funny to not where I was really going on campus because me and another walked to the Union between classes to buy the workbook for 603 and were just hoping to not get lost on the way there haha... we found it though!
- I somehow managed to get a parking ticket while on campus today! I never got one the 5 years I was at LSU... I managed to park on a wrong row, that happened to be for faculty :-p... $50 fine yuck
grad school,