Title: Liminal - Chapter 7
kitsune_hikaruCategory: Multi chaptered
Pairing: PiN, past!TakkiRyo, friendship!RyoPi, KAT-TUN, JunDa, KoKame
Rating: PG-13
Genre: AU, fantasy, action, friendship, romance, angst
Disclaimer: Too bad owning people are no longer legal these days...
Summary: In the world where myths and sciences co-existed together, where people challenged the border of good and evil, there were people who suffered from the impact. Takki gathered them, in every means to protect them from The Keepers, and themselves. But when Yamapi realized he fell for a Keeper, it took an action to put a stop in the sufferings. Yamapi thought he could fight, not until Ueda’s presence crippled them down.
Warning: Character death! And don’t expect me to update often. You know I don’t have that much free time. But I’ll try my best to update regularly, at least once a month. And it’s unbetaed, sorry for any grammatical errors.
A/N: Due to popular demands, I’m starting to think of changing a bit from the plot and revive Takki... But in order to attempt that, I need to sacrifice a character. So I’m doing a poll... Please vote between JunDa and TakkiRyo? And yes, the clue is obvious. Ueda is the only one who can revive Takki, because he’s the dragon. And again, constructive criticisms are so much welcomed~
Prologue] [
Chapter 1] [
Chapter 2] [
Chapter 3] [
Chapter 4] [
Chapter 5] [
Chapter 6]
Chapter 7 )