Everything can be compared to a bowl of soup. A boring person is tomato soup, a fun person is chicken noodle with the cartoon character shaped noodles, while that crazy, hippy freak next door is the broth-covered, vegetable nightmare. And like soup everyone will live differently, by their choosing or by the influence of those around them. Some soup gets eaten, some soup gets thrown away, a select few soups decompose in the back of cabinets, on the other hand, some soups grow up and go to law school to become lawyers. Not every soup will be consumed just as not every person will reach extraordinary heights. Every person does not have the attention span, the need or the gull to attain a two or four year education in college.
First, people do not have the attention span to go to college. If you were to go into a room of college boys and mention college, their minds will zoom in on one aspect: the fun that happens in college. The mentioned fun is not reading, note taking or studying; the fun they all hope to have is partying. College is the famous setting of many wild nights filled with drinking and socializing. Toga is a famous word inside the college scene, as well as keg, beer pong, and many others. This environment is a breeding ground of stalled thought. People become lost and education is no longer their highest priority. It's impossible to comprehend a college lecture with a brain muffled by a hangover. Loss of attention leads to loss of motivation. "There is no way I can recover from that missed assignment." They stop trying and fail. Party girls and boys should not even waste their time and money to enroll.
Second, everyone does not have the need to attend college. There are many other roads beside the college life. There is the various branches of the military, so many that everyone is sure to find something they are slightly interested in. There is the trade school route, not an education but specific job training. Then, last but not least, the high school education job. In America there are millions of jobs that do not require a college diploma. There has to be a cook in the fast food restaurant, a clerk boy in the grocery store, a check out girl in the gas station, and various other positions. Who will flip our burgers and pump our gas if everyone was a college graduate? I'm not saying that people should expect to fill out these careers, but everyone should know their options.
Last, some people just do not have the gull, or the will-power, to get through college. Plainly, some people cannot handle the stress and the demand of the college life. The work is tedious, much harder than any high school assignment. A high school student will complain about a two page paper they have two weeks to write, while a college student will have to write ten page papers within a short time limit. The difference is striking and for most people; intimidating. The work level can be frustrating and overwhelming, those who cannot handle it will not be able to pull through. They will fail classes and ultimately drop out of school. Whatever the case, thirty percent leave in the first year, and an astonishing fifty percent never graduate.
Soup is delicious, but college life can be known to leave a bad taste in your mouth. Not everybody should take a bite, for their own safety. Whether they are not strong enough, they do not need it or the education it offers cannot keep their attention, every one should not go to college.