Title: Its good to have you back
Length: one shot
Author: je3vous3aime
Rating: PG
Genre: fluffy dramatic one-sided romance
Summary: "Yunho!" Jaejoong yelled out, dropping his bags and flinging his arms around the bigger man. "Wow, look at you! You got so tall!"
A red light flashed to signal the arrival the incoming flight from Japan. The passengers flooded into the already crowed halls of the airport, each trying to locate their bags and family members. One small man stumbled into the baggage pick up line quickly picking up two messenger bags packed with his things. The raven haired man shoved his way out to a less crowed waiting area, his clumsy feet stepping on a few peoples feet and his lips slightly parting to lets out a few quick apologies, much to the amusement of the tall man watching him. Fixing his bright red winter beanie back on his head the short man looked around for a familiar face. He soon saw a chestnut haired man running up to him.
"Jaejoong?" The man smiled.
"Yunho!" Jaejoong yelled out, dropping his bags and flinging his arms around the bigger man. "Wow, look at you! You got so tall!" He gasped "And your hair!" He reached up to run his fingers through the other boys hair. "Its brown!" He smiled.
"Yeah," Yunho let go of the other's slender waist to pick up the almost forgotten bags. "Do you like it?"
"I love it!" Jaejoong picked up the smaller of the two bags and followed Yunho to the doors of the airport.
The two walked past the crowed parking lot and surrounding businesses to Yunho's small apartment. The housing streets were calming silent. Jaejoong couldn't help but look around at the homes and gape at the beautiful holiday decorations still lighting up the dark night. Yunho smiled at his childish friend as he took in all the small town holiday traditions again.
"You have stuff up at your apartment, right?" Jaejoong asked.
"Actually, about that." Yunho scratched the back of his neck and looked down. "I didn't have the time to put any up-"
"More like your just to lazy to get off your but and put them up." Jaejoong shoved his friend playfully.
"Aish, Its not like it matters! Christmas is over." Yunho pouted but gracefully accepted the hard smack from the other, laughing along with the boy.
The two continued walking and laughing about old stories revealing exactly how lazy the taller was when a soft small white ball landed on the raven haired's nose and stopped him in his tracks.
It was snowing.
Lazy frozen rain circling and winding down slowly through the cold thickness of the air. The smaller man's face lit up like a Christmas tree as he ran into the middle of the street and stuck out his tongue. Yunho couldn't help but laugh at his friends actions. Even after such a long time the older man still acted like his immature teenage self, and it amazed Yunho.
"Come on, Yunho!" Jaejoong yelled, kicking his old converse into the quickly forming thick layer of white dust on the street.
"Your going to get hit by a car and die!" Yunho yelled back. The exact same words he yelled to the same boy so many times before.
"I don't care!" Jaejoong laughed as he spun around in the rode. His clothing completely powered in white and a heavy veil of the soft white crystals danced around the boy's slender body. The chestnut haired boy could only take so much angelic laughter before he had to join the childish man in his actions.
"Your so weird." Yunho tossed a loosely packed together oval of snow at the grinning boy. The other turned his head so it only dusted the back of his shining black hair.
"Well your a jerk!" The smaller threw back two handfuls of snow that landed right on top of the others bowed head.
"Yah!" Yunho shouted as he shook his snow powered hair. He launched back armfuls of the frozen water to the other, who in return, showered him with his own helping of the cold dust.
Both laughed and carried on the immature name calling, deep in remembrance of how they used to reenact this scene each snowfall and the rush of childhood innocence from doing it now. The pair were lost in their own world, to caught up in trying to cover the other in so much snow that he resembled a snowman to notice anything other than the cold flakes and each other. Only when a small car honked from behind the two did they remember there was a world other than their own.
Quickly wiping the show from their faces and bowing at the old woman in the car, they ran back to the side walk and continued their walk to Yunho's apartment. The long stretch caused the pair to be fully enclosed in the falling snow, and the once wonderful substance seeping through their clothes and chilling their bodies. Yunho looked over to see the thin boy's teeth clattering together. Smiling, he flung his arm around the slender shoulders.
"Cold?" He laughed.
"Freezing." Jaejoong smiled back, his normally rosy lips bright red.
They walked quietly. The soft layer of snow falling from the sky slowing dying down and the thin blanket covering the ground warming and turning into something more slushy than real snow. Both boys, who had been covered head to foot in the white frozen crystals, were soaked to the bone.
"Its to bad it didn't stick." Jaejoong whispered as he took of his soggy coat once inside Yunho's warm apartment. His big eyes looking with longing out at the melting snow.
"Surprising because its getting dark." Yunho smiled at the others pouting face. "I thought it would hold because it gets really cold at night." Jaejoong blinked at the whiteness one more time before turning around to face Yunho. The tall chestnut haired boy smiled down at the others disappointed face. He needed to do something to make him smile, he had to bring that smile back, even if he had to crack one of his old cheesy ridiculous jokes. "But I guess you being in town warmed everything up to much."
"Loser," Jaejoong softly whacked the boy's arm, but he was smiling so Yunho could take so much more abuse. "I'm wet, wheres your room?"
"Right there." Yunho said as he pointed at a old pealing white door. "The only room in this place other than the bathroom."
"Then your sleeping on the couch?" Jaejoong grinned, bringing up the old fight of which one would be reduced to he couch every time they would sleepover at each other's houses. (A/N: I used to do this all the time with my best friend, true facts.)
"Not in your life, weirdo!" The tallest shouted as he chased the wet boy into the bedroom. Yunho ended up pinning Jaejoong to the wall and tickling him until he couldn't breath.
"Even your fingers got taller." Jaejoong gasped out when the the smaller had pleaded to be released from his friends grasp and Yunho let them fall out of breath on the floor behind his open door.
"You just got weaker." Yunho laughed. Jaejoong shoved him over and continuously slapped him in the arm until the taller got up and retreated to the bed.
The older watched him smiling as Yunho laid down spread eagle. He watched as the mans wet chest slowly rose and fell with the tired breathes. Jaejoong smiled and striped of his wet shirt, when he stood up and started to remove his pants a shaky voice drew his attention back to the bed.
"Wha- what re you doing, Jae?" Yunho asked, staring wide eyed at the half naked beauty in his doorway.
"I'm wet." Jaejoong laughed. "And don't be so shocked, its not the first time you have seen me in nothing but my underwear."
"Yeah but the last time we were 7." Yunho whispered as he continued to watch as Jaejoong slowly exposed his glistening porcelain skin in the fading ember glow of the sunset. "When did you start shaving?" Yunho gulped.
"Since the first week of Tokyo." Jaejoong ran his hand from his knee up to his waist. "The weather was really nice so I wore a lot of shorts."
"Your legs are nice." Yunho smirked.
"Stop picking on me!" Jaejoong pouted. He threw his ball of wet clothing into a nearby clothes hamper and walked over the bed.
"I mean it," Yunho whispered as Jaejoong laid himself down on the bed next to him. "You look really good." Yunho meant more than just the china doll legs, but he didn't tell Jaejoong.
"Thanks." The other smiled. Jaejoong looked Yunho up and down before reaching over and tugging of the boy's shirt.
"What are you doing?" Yunho reached for the others arms to stop the unwanted strip but the smaller was just to quick and had it up and over Yunho's head before he could even get out the shocked question.
"You would of caught a cold." Jaejoong tossed the soaked garment over to the pile of his equally wet clothes. "Aren't you glad I saved you?"
"Thrilled..." Yunho mumbled back, to ruffled by the awkwardness of his half nakedness ad the other boys almost complete nakedness.
"You have been working out?" Jaejoong poked the others toned stomach. Yunho mumbled something that sounded something almost like a yeah as the soft finger continued to grope his muscles. "Its rock hard." Jaejoong mumbled as he added another finger each time he lightly hit the other.
"Well-" Yunho's explanation on how wonderfully he has been working out was cut short by a small fist, or what felt like a cannon ball, slamming down on his stomach. "WHAT THE HELL, JAE?!" He screamed.
"I'm sorry!" Jaejoong placed his cool hands over the place he had just hit. "I didn't mean to I just wanted to know if it would hurt!"
"Well it hurt!" Yunho lifted himself up on his elbows to watch as Jaejoong slightly worked his fingers over the youngest's stomach. The smaller man pulled away his fingers after a few more-than-friendly moments of his fingers consoling the sore skin, only to replace them with his cheek.
"I'm tired." He whispered. Soft fingers curled around Yunho's sides as Jaejoong's heavy eye lids fluttered closed.
"Good night, Joongie." Yunho cooed as he gently raked his fingers through the curtain of black silk hair covering his torso.
"Night, Yunnie." Jaejoong sighed, his conscious slowly leaving him.
"Its good to have you back."
"I love being back."
The all to familiar prickling of the back of his eyes caused the inescapable feeling of heartache, and Yunho just smiled.
A/N: Aish, this took way longer than you would think it should take! I had to have 6 cups of coffee (that's a lot of coffee) and like a whole bottle of coke (not one of the pansy 'I-can-fit-in-yo-pocket' bottles, I'm talking a big bottle) and I are in the process of going insane!!!