Puzzle: Unit PVs&Songs

Apr 17, 2009 06:28

i had this entry before i slept early this morning. for some reason, the date/time keeps on messing up so i'm re-posting it and deleting the original one.

i've received my cd today (April 16, 4PM). i was hoping to receive it earlier since HMV e-mailed me of its shipping last Sunday. but nways, i'm admitting that i'm guilty of downloading the entire thing before my copy arrived, so yeah, i have listened to the entire album countless times already.

i'm starting with the unit pvs/songs since i got hold of 'em earlier. plus, short previews have already been shown.

i know that theirs would be in english since i read it beforehand. i didn't pay much attention with the lyrics when i watched the short clips so i basically just know that 'Glorious' is in the chorus part. i was actually very excited to see what these 3 voice prowess of Eito would come up. unfortunately, they didn't wrote the song themselves, which i was hoping very much since it got Baru & Ryo & Tacchon. all 3 boys can write and they write good ones. but nways, having an english song made up for that. i get to hear their english and i must say that i'm quite impress. i can't remember if i ever heard 'em speak even a single english sentence so hearing 'em sing a full length english song really made me so happy. for a change, i can understand the entire thing without the help of my online-Japanese speaking friends. nways, just as expected, their song has voicings. how can it not, right?
the video - Tacchon flipped to his other side. i mean, he wasn't being cutesy and all, which is good 'coz we get to see his serious side. it's just funny when he was dribbling the ball. i think he's posing funny, like someone i could easily push and get down on his knees. lol i like his coffee maker. i wanna get one. and the bear beside him when he was drinking his coffee, i think that very Tacchon-like.
Ryo, on the hand, looked very comfy in his bed. i like what he was wearing. i think Ryo's being natural on his part of the video. oh, and who do you think he was talking to over the phone? my guess, Uchi. yep! who could it be right? i mean, just look at how he smiled big time. that must be Uchi he's talking with and nobody else.
Baru's very much mature in the video. no single crack moment or cutesy or anything of the likes. him on a trailer seemed very much fitting. i don't know. i just have this feeling that Subaru would be the person who'd like to live in one. not because he doesn't have money or anything, i think he looked pretty kakoii to be in one. btw, what was he trying to cook - vegetables with ketchup? no wonder he settled for an apple.

for the record, Glorious boys are my faves but this pv & song is the one i like the most. it's so Yoko & Yassan! i love their creativity, the song they came up with, it's just the best! we now all know that Yoko + Yassan = greatness. the song's meaning may not be too deep or the likes but that's fine. it's still a good song, lyrics & melody wise. i actually can't wait for the live performance since we got animation as pv. the animated pv worked well with the song.  it's gonna be interesting to see Yoko & Yassan perform together doing those K & C hand thing. hehehe... plus the contrast between these 2 is just crazy. i hope Yoko would curl his hair just like that of the pv and Yassan would tie his hair exactly the same. and i hope to see Jrs. running around as lips (which actually looked like that red monster in a cartoon that my brother used to watch). i also wanna see Ryo & Tacchon back dance. they would just be perfect with those K & C hand gestures. they could even modify it and make it a lot cuter. i mean, they love to make cutesy gestures the most so yeah, they'll fit very well. and oh, this song's very catchy. you're deaf not to be able to pick out the tune right away.

totally unexpected to see Maru-chan in a serious pv. but hey, he pulled off that Jin-like coat & mafia pose just fine. although i can still see that he wanna break out from that serious face and laugh at the top of his lungs, which he did at the very end. well, not really laugh but he did this crazy pose, which we all know is typical of Maru-chan. Hina, on the hand, looked kakoii in a classic mafia-clothing. and he looked very tall on the shots. Maru-chan and Hina wrote the lyrics, which i hope would be translated by a good soul soon. i don't understand the entire thing, except for the english words and such. i like the melody and i hope i'd also like the lyrics (when it gets translated). i like the chorus part the most, though i can hardly hear Hina's voice. i can already picture how they're gonna perform this. i'd like to see the moves for this song.

since it's gonna be lenghty to have everything in 1 entry, i'll make separate entries for the individual & group songs. i'll sleep now since it's alreayd 430am.

kanjani8, eito, puzzle

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