Title: Sugary spice Unit: A.B.C.-Z Word Count: 100 Characters/Pairings: Totsuka, Hashimoto Author's Notes: Nothing sinister, but cut for what I was clearly reading at the time. *transparent as*
...i totally did mean that. xD ...and yet 'buy back' didn't sound weird to me until you mentioned it, jkajhgawe english fail, self. |D *writes it off as a hasshiism*
Comments 11
tcht, member naming fail. also, do you mean "if Tottsu brings me back..." ?
...i totally did mean that. xD ...and yet 'buy back' didn't sound weird to me until you mentioned it, jkajhgawe english fail, self. |D *writes it off as a hasshiism*
Mmmm, I knew I should have gotten the kakigori tonight, but the other food was just so tempting... XD
"If Tottsu buys me back a kakigouri, I'll keep me private? ♥"
I can't tell if this doesn't quite make sense because it's you, or me, or HASSHI. XD
Limited Edition. *sporfles*
fail, it's totally me. xD BUT I'LL BLAME IT ON HASSHIESE. 8D
LE!Hasshi, get yours now! before he turns legal and everybody can have some. xD;;
*points to icon* 0:)
♥ *needs to make an icon with -Z in it*
lol~ i totally need one, too. xD;
Hasshi is so cute! ♥ And manipulative XD
>:D he is very much both~ ♥ thank you. xD
He'll be the death of Tottsu.
This was so hot, and also really adorable!
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