More or less everybody who answered the poll said that they wanted things to continue on as normal, so on we go, I suppose.
Just to clarify, you CAN post drabbles to the comm which do not answer the challenge, if you're having a hard time writing for the challenge and want to write anyway. It's just that you won't earn any points for it. Which...pretty much nobody cares about. We used to have actual competition over whose group was winning, but it's been ages and ages since that happened.
Anyway, Challenge 107 is Sleep, as suggested by
yararanger when I demanded she give me a prompt on Twitter.
Most of our idols could use some more sleep, especially those on drama filming schedules or concert tours. Feel free to write about people sleeping in weird places or positions, or waking up in the wrong bed, or waking up in the right bed, or getting woken up by who knows what. Or just sleeping together, is also a perfectly fine application of this prompt.
Suggest some prompts for the next few challenges in the comments here! because I am not that great of thinking of them.
Any questions or problems go to myself or