Ice Cream/ Christmas Tree Juniors

Nov 20, 2011 04:25

Title: Ice Cream
Unit for Points: Snow Prince Gasshoudan (seemed most appropriate? XD)
Word Count: 100
Characters: Nikaido, Senga
Author's Note: It really IS awesome, but in a crazy kind of way.

“It’s winter! Do you know what this means?”

Senga’s excitement is infectious, and Nikaido grins. “What?” he asks.

“It’s the perfect time to eat ice cream!”

Nikaido notes with slight alarm that Senga is carrying a yellow plastic tub of ice cream. “What?”

“Ice cream,” Senga clarifies, eyes sparkling gleefully. “It’s really awesome eating ice cream when you’re all cold. You should try it!”

Nikaido is quite sure that Senga has gone insane, but humors him anyway and takes a bite of ice cream. The coldness burns his throat, and he winces.

“Awesome,” he says, awed. Senga just grins knowledgeably.

Title: Christmas Tree Juniors
Unit for Points: Snow Prince Gasshoudan
Word Count: 100
Characters: Tsubasa, Tackey

Tsubasa is settled comfortably in front of the television with a mug of hot chocolate in his hands when suddenly his cell phone beeps.

It’s a message from his partner, Tackey.

"I designed Winter/ Christmas-themed costumes for the Juniors! What do you think?"

There’s an attached picture, and Tsubasa opens it with slight trepidation. At first glance, it looks as though Tackey’s sent him a wrong picture, because Tsubasa can’t see any Juniors. All he sees is a row of maybe ten or eleven heavily-decorated gold Christmas trees -

No wait. Those aren’t Christmas trees.

Tsubasa chokes on his hot chocolate.  

challenge: winter, unit: tackey & tsubasa, unit: kis-my-ft2

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