Title: Brand New Sound
Unit for Points: KAT-TUN
Word Count: 100
Characters: Kame, Ueda, Koki, Taguchi
Notes: The cheerleader!AU that never should've happened
“No,” Kame snaps, “it’s step, step, turn, cartwheel, no step, turn, step, cartwheel.”
Taguchi grins and shakes his pom poms. “Alright, Kame-chan.”
Kame huffs. “Can we please go through the routine again, then?”
“Kame has gotten a lot bitchier since he’s become captain of the cheerleaders,” Ueda says. In his normal voice.
Kame’s pony-tail whips threateningly through the air as he swirls around to glare Ueda down.
Koki whistles. “Don’t kill him, the choreography only works with four people.”
Kame growls.
“Oh, look, Nakamaru is playing soccer with the school-team!” Taguchi says.
They’re too busy watching to practice after that.