Title: Fujigaya VS DUET
Unit for Points: Kis-My-Ft2
Word Count:100
Characters/Pairings: Fujigaya Taisuke + cameo by another member
Author's Note: Because we all know what's going to come next...
He’s mentally prepared. He will take whatever they throw at him. He’s been in the industry for too many years to get run over by the magazine he’s been appearing in since he’s entered Johnny’s.
Fujigaya Taisuke will not lose to the scheming of DUET. He’s okay with going shirtless, he’s okay with wearing animal ears, he’s okay with getting close to members he doesn’t usually get that close to-
A figure wearing a wedding dress looks at him in annoyance. “Fujigaya…tell me, why do -I- get dragged into ALL of your messes?” Kitayama demands.
Duet 1 : Fujigaya -100
Title: Yamamoto Ryota VS ...read for yourself ;)
Unit for Points: THEY Budou
Word Count:100
Characters/Pairings: Yamamoto Ryota, Takahashi Ryu, Eda Tsuyoshi, Hayashi Shota
Author's Note: I'd spoil the whole fic if I wrote the other side of the VS XD
“Ugh, just do it, Ryota! Don’t be such a coward!” Eda complains.
“Noo! I can’t! I just can’t do it!” Yamamoto can be heard whining miserably.
Takahashi sighs, “Just use it…! That’s what it’s there for! You KNOW that it’s there to do just that…don’t you? DO IT!”
“I can’t! It would be…it would be wrong! Yara-kun…” Yamamoto wails.
Hayashi demands, “Then just give it to me! I’ll do it!”
“Nooo!” Yamamoto protests.
“Guys…on the count of three…” Takahashi sighs, “One…two…THREE!”
For a moment, there is silence.
“I think you killed him…”
“It, you mean, IT…the cockroach?”
“No…Ryota just fainted…”