Title: No Gyoza, No Life
Unit for Points: Go Hiromi
Word Count: 100
Characters: Masuda, Tegoshi
Massu ambles along, steadily eating all the little white dots along his path. Those are his favorite, actually, although he enjoys the occasional fruit too, and the power pellets he stumbles upon make him feel bigger and stronger. But the white dots are the base of his diet, something he never gets sick of. He thinks of them as gyoza.
“NO NO NO NO,” Tegoshi screams overhead. Then Massu feels his world tilting violently on its axes as Tegoshi jerks the game console excitedly. “GET AWAY FROM THE MONSTER!”
Calmly, still chomping away, Massu turns a corner and evades Pinky.
Title: /complain
Unit for Points: Go Hiromi
Word Count: 100
Characters: Kitayama, Fujigaya
“stop that!” Kitayama snaps, throwing down his weapon and refusing to aggro yet another oversized mob. “i need some buffs, don’t be such a n00b.”
“What did you call me?!” bristles Fujigaya. “Just cause you’re not a good enough fighter, don’t blame me.”
“i’m tired of dying, jfc.”
Fujigaya has the grace to look sheepish, albeit affronted. “It doesn’t hurt you to die.”
“yea but its boring and a waste of time. YOU walk through a b&w world all by urself and see how u like it!”
Fujigaya sighs and concedes the point, and gives Kitayama a potion to drink.
Title: Mushrooms Make You Bigger
Unit for Points: Go Hiromi
Word Count: 100
Characters: Nagase, Koichi
“Do-doo doo do-do-DOOT-do~” Nagase hums cheerfully at his TV. He’s a noisy video game player, enjoys making his own commentary to what’s happening on the screen. “Whoa there little guy!” he says as he presses the up button on the controller frantically, “That was a close call!” Then, “Awesome! Jumped on his head and right into a mushroom! Ooh, there you go, getting bigger. Food’s tasty, eh?”
Koichi sighs as he takes a running leap and lands all the way at the top of the flagpole. Nagase is an amiable enough player, but talks and feeds him too much.
Title: All The King's Men (Have Fallen Down)
Unit for Points: Go Hiromi
Word Count: 100
Characters: Tackey, Yara, MSM
Yara looks across the board at how their side is doing and sighs. There aren’t many pieces left anymore - the pawns are all long gone, lying sadly in a pile by the wayside. (He thinks he can make out Nozawa’s long legs, and floofy hair that might be Watanabe or Fukka… But then again, he’s only managed to remember seven out of eight of theirs names so far, so he might be wrong about that.)
Takizawa crows in delight - never a good sign - and makes another hasty move. Yara sighs again, resigned, knowing he’s about to be checkmated.
Games: Pacman, World of Warcraft, Super Mario Bros, Chess, respectively. Just in case it wasn't clear enough. :x