Title: Dancing Cow
Unit for Points: Go, GO, Hiromi~!!
Word Count: 100
Characters/Pairings: YamaRyo, Yara, Tsubasa
Notes: From Playzone 2010
When Yamamoto bounces in, waving the clipboard, Tsubasa raises an eyebrow at Yara. “I'm guessing that's your fault.”
Yara shrugs, unconcerned. “He wanted to do something.”
He starts regretting by the time Yamamoto starts introducing the various people gathered to audition.
The worst part is that he can hear him in the corner of the room, near the doors, animatedly telling people waiting their turn: “That's Yaracchi! He's like the dancing snake.”
Tsubasa doesn't look up. “You started it. Your problem, not mine.”
“And that!” Yamamoto adds loudly. “Is Tsubasa-kun! He's our dancing cow.”
Title: Off to the races.
Unit for Points: Go, GO, Hiromi~!!
Word Count: 100
Characters/Pairings: Kitayama, Fujigaya, Yokoo.
Notes: Okay, so Kitayama is probably actually too big to be a jockey but Fujigaya def is anyways. 8D
“You can't be a jockey,” Yokoo told Fujigaya firmly.
“If he can do it, I can too,” Fujigaya insisted, jutting out his jaw in stubbornness. “I'm the better jockey anyways.”
Yokoo sighed. “That's because he's under the required height and weight... And you're a trainer, Taipi.”
Kitayama popped over, yogurt in hand. “I really hope you're not calling me short.”
“Go away, Fatty, I hate you.” Fujgiaya glared at Kitayama before turning eternally hopeful eyes to Yokoo.
“What's the point of having a rival if you can't face him?” Fujigaya sulks.
Title: Tinkerbell
Unit for Points: Go, GO, Hiromi~!!
Word Count: 100
Characters/Pairings: Fujigaya, Takki, Senga.
Notes: Peter Pan!verse... 8D
Taisuke flicks his wings, stubbornly turning away, nose in the air as he flutters on Hideaki's hand.
“Taipi, that was uncalled for!” Hideaki is scolding, “You could have hurt him.”
That would have been the point, Taisuke thinks, but keeps it to himself, smirking lightly.
“I think this calls for a time-out,” Hideaki concludes. “You're banished... until I say so!”
Startled, Taisuke whirls around, looking horrified, but Hideaki's already tossing him into the air.
Fuming, he turns and flies off. Stupid Hideaki, he thinks bitterly. He'd get back at him. Him and that stupid Senga Kento.
Title: Cap'n Hook
Unit for Points: Go, GO, Hiromi~!!
Word Count: 100
Characters/Pairings: Kitayama, Fujigaya
Notes: More of it. 8D;
It hadn't been the fairy's intentions to be captured so soon after stepping out of Hideaki's hidden cove, but he received a new shock of the day as a lamp shut around him, effectively trapping him and his magic inside.
Angrily pounding his fists on the glass, Taisuke glowered at his captor as the man drew him up to eye-level.
His heart stopped beating. Of all the people to show up, he should have known.
Dread Captain Kitayama smiled down at him with the smugness of a cat. “Ah, ah, but what pretty little thing do we have here?”
Title: In the name of good taste
Unit for Points: Go, GO, Hiromi~!!
Word Count: 100
Characters/Pairings: Fujigaya, YamaRyo (mentions of Kitayama, Ryu, and Yara.)
Notes: Fashion!Au... because Gaya and YamaRyo would be fashion apprentices. |D
“I hate having to style things for him, he's too short,” Fujigaya complains and then notices fellow designer Yamamoto isn't even paying attention. “Yo! Ryo-chan!”
Yamamoto sighed dreamily. “That new model is so princely...”
“...” Fujigaya gave him a blank look. “Ryu?... I thought you liked our boss.”
“I do, I do!” Yamamoto flailed, quick to reassure the empty room of his affections and nearly poking out Fujigaya's eye with a pin-cushion. “Yara's amazing... But Ryu's so handsome...”
“You're such a girl, Ryo-chan.” Fujigaya draped some silk over his head, sauntering off.
Title: Or bad fashion.
Unit for Points: Go, GO, Hiromi~!!
Word Count: 100
Characters/Pairings: Kawai, Fujigaya, Takki
Notes: Takki would be involved somehow. x:
“I am not working with him!” Fujigaya's vehemence was stunning.
“Who said I wanted to work with you anyways!” Kawai squirreled right back at him, sticking his tongue out.
“Takkiiiii, he has no fashion sense, why did you even hire him!” Fujigaya complained, looking completely distraught.
Takizawa beamed at them both. “You two have such distinct styles, I thought it'd be interesting to see a collection from you.”
“My life,” Fujigaya despaired as Kawai stared pulling out neon yellow pin-striped corduroy.
Title: Wonderful one.
Unit for Points: Go, GO, Hiromi~!!
Word Count: 100
Characters/Pairings: Miyata/Fujigaya
Notes: Not sure about this one...
Miyata loved Fujigaya's hair. It was shimmering and oftentimes an incandescent silver. He loved running his hands through it, after he'd convince the dryad to let it cascade down. It had gotten longer since they'd met, lovely and surreal, just like Fujigaya.
“You're such an idiot,” Fujigaya would tell him, without bite. Miyata just smiled.
The weeping willow was one of his favorite spots in the forest, but he didn't visit often because he always left feeling sadder than before.
Perhaps it was because Fujigaya's smile was slowly vanishing with every passing year, just as his hair got longer.
Title: Memories at a loss
Unit for Points: Go, GO, Hiromi~!!
Word Count: 100
Characters/Pairings: Yabu/Takaki.
Notes: I give up on these making sense, I JUST THINK THEY'RE KINDA FUN.
The boy bundled up on the couch, wearing one of his favorite sweaters, was about as much of a mystery to Yabu as he had been when they'd first met.
… Which wasn't so bad, it had only been an hour.
He carried the mug of tea over. “Remember anything else.”
The boy shook his head, looking wistful. “I wish I knew. I can taste it on the tip of my tongue, but it's not there... I'm sorry.” Dark eyes turned to Yabu, his breath catching “I just know that I'm supposed to be here, with you.”
Title: Whispers of a lost lover.
Unit for Points: Go, GO, Hiromi~!!
Word Count: 100
Characters/Pairings: Tamamori, Takaki.
Notes: |:
Whispers in his ears, all day long. Tamamori tried to concentrate on what people told him, but the whispers were always there.
Some times were worse than others. Outside was always bad, he always got lost when walking omn his own, listening to the whispers.
When he turned sixteen, the whispers brought images with him, mixing the real world with another and he soon forgot which one was which.
Whispers of I love you, I hate you, I need you - he listened to them all, wanting to follow them, but never being able to find them.
Where are you?
Title: High school never ends.
Unit for Points: Go, GO, Hiromi~!!
Word Count: 100
Characters/Pairings: Kitayama/Fujigaya, Kawai, Tottsu.
Notes: ... Uhm. Vaguely inspired by Misaki, but idek.
He hadn't meant for the first kiss to mean anything. It had been a bet, a stupid bet with Kawai of all things.
He hadn't even meant for the second to happen, but he blamed that one on Kitayama. Or maybe on Totsuka for locking them in the gym's cleaning closet.
“I don't get you, Tai-chan~,” said boy was murmuring against his lips, fingers curling in Fujigaya's hair. “You spend all of high school trying to smear my image and now... What do you even want?” Kitayama chuckled softly.
Fujigaya just blushed. “Shut up and kiss me.”