Post-test USPC comments

Jun 15, 2008 09:07

So I got around to finishing most of the puzzles I didn't try, so I can comment.

I was aiming for top 25. Last year I was only foiled by a typo in my entry. This year I'm pretty sure my 133 isn't going to cut it, and it is doubly disappointing in that I can't really blame any particular conditions. I managed to keep my solving endurance up over the entire 2 and a half hours and I didn't have any technical problems; I was just slow. The only puzzle I started and didn't finish was the Fences, and I hadn't even wasted that much time there.

Favorite puzzle: even though it kicked my butt, SuDON'Tku did it in a good way. Normally sudoku variations aren't my favorite but I really felt like I was having to think in new ways.

Distances was also quite elegant.

Comments on other random puzzles:

Nebijok: had a real hard time here. The hardest word search I remember trying was a Korean one from 1999 WPC or so, but I always have an odd mental dissonance when hitting unknown languages. I should practice with word searches using randomly generated letters or something so I can learn to ignore that aspect.

Kuromasu: skipped when I didn't see an immediate break-in, but when I found the break-in later I thought this was the easiest of the 15 point puzzles.

Masyu: this one was also much easier than last year. I actually thought the worth-5-less-points Black Pearl was harder.

Murder No. 6: wrong assumption, had to reboot. *sigh*

Dot Triangles: I found these on Erich's page before the test. Trying a couple led me to know to skip this one.

Crisscross pairs: one I maybe should've tried in the test because it went very smooth, I just never had time to even start it.

Ampers& Crossword: this one on the other hand (post-test) was struggling by painful inches.

Double Feature: it is a Patrick Merrell standard to have one item changed by being slightly longer than the other, but I still couldn't spot it under tournament conditions. Saved finishing this one for last so I could mop up a few last points in the remaining 120 seconds.
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