To quote
platypusgirl, For those that don't know what's going on in my life - you aren't much more informed than I am. Not a whole lot has changed in my life lately... that's good for some parts, mixed news elsewhere, and not so good in other ways. I'll probably post more details and/or rants in a friends-locked post, but felt I should post some sort of summary here...
* I'm still employed at VT, splitting my time between CGIT and CWT.
* Rising Star and Evil Stevie's Pirate Game have passed, fairly successfully from my point of view; and Technicon is looming.
* As planned, I'm spending an unusual amount of time with family this fall. Thanksgiving was pretty good, we gathered at Williamsburg.
* I'm still involved in RPGs. I run my Heroes, Gods, and Wonders fantasy campaign alternate Mondays, play in a fairly new 1920s pulp / wild martial arts campaign set in San Francisco's Chinatown on the other alternate Mondays, and still play in the Crosswinds fantasy campaign on Sundays, although that is coming to a close. Currently it looks like it will be replaced with "MAPS", which stands for Mad Anime Pulp Sci-fi, in which everyone plays both a "normal" person (who might happen to be an alien) and some sort of giant robot, mecha, kaiju, or other 16m scale entity with they hang out with / pilot / control.
* As far as computer gaming goes, Final Fantasy XI still takes the lion's share of what time I have. I did end up getting GTA: San Andreas, but have been playing it only sporadically when I get fed up with or stymied in FF-XI for some reason.
* I have been dealing with apartment issues, particularly what turned out to be rather more hassle than anticipated in getting some appliances replaced. I do have a working washer & dryer now, supplied by the complex; and have also replaced my failed chest freezer with a new one. My place is still a disaster, with torn-up linoleum still a pending issue and more stuff piled in the middle of the living room than usual.