Jun 29, 2006 10:26
"However dubious Williamsburg may be as a historical document- and it is plenty dubious- it is at least a model town. It makes you realize what an immeasurably nice place much of America could if only people possessed the same instinct for preservation as they do in Europe. You would think that the millions of people that come to Williamsburg every year would say to each other 'Gosh, bobbi, this place is beautiful. Let's go home to Smellville and plant lots of trees and preserve all the fine old buildings.' But in fact, that never occurs to them. They just go back and build more parking lots and Pizza Huts."
~Bill Bryson, once again (The Lost Continent)
Sitting on the porch while listening to guys play guitars on cool summer nights is quickly becoming my kind of thing. I could get used to this sort of living, especially if a taste of locally brewed blackberry wheat is involved.
Things to Do this Summer: (I feel the need to create as list as i will forget these things)
- hike LOTS! (not 'hike lots' but hike A LOT)
- get back into Yoga-ing, however pricey it may be
- volunteer at City Market and the State Park
- Sail, Sail... win the lottery in order to purchase my very own sail boat
- buy a bike at Old Spokes Home and ride in along the many bike paths
- walk to visit the cows more often
- sit along the lake and watch the sunset way more often
- find internship/job for fall months
- Day trips to Montpelier/environs, Plattsburg (to say i've been), Montreal, etc. (I overheard people talking about the train that travels cheaply through VT while eating my cone o' soft serve yesterday and I got excited- 'Vergennes for an ice cream cone'? I'm there.)
- Become a wine connoisseur... and learn how to spell that word correctly
Yet Another reason I like VT:
I read in the classifieds section of the Free Press that someone had found a camera near their home that s/he wished to return. Another had listed found jewelery. Now, how expensive do you think these items were? I'm guessing very (my standards- 100$+ = very.)What a difference from Boston, eh, where the average person would just assume it were his/her lucky day if s/he happened to find a pearl necklace lying on the sidewalk. Either that, or people would not bother to pick it up in the first place...