Artifacts of a Life, coming 9/21!

Sep 09, 2013 13:58

Artifacts of a Life, a new type of Arts & Sciences event that is jointly sponsored by The Barony Beyond the Mountain and the Barony of Carolingia, is coming on September 21!
The event centers around display of artifacts that could have been left behind by a plausible historic persona -- it does not have to be your SCA persona. We want to look at these as a whole for what they tell us about the material culture of that persona's time, place, and social context.
Because this is a new way of looking at Arts & Sciences, we're added a page on our website to help both judges and entrants prepare:
We are always open to more judges participating. You need not be previously experienced at formal judging to volunteer. We would like entrants and judges to be able to talk to each other face to face and the more judges that we have, the better quality of feedback the entrants will receive.
We strongly encourage letting us know in advance if you plan to enter just so we can make sure we have the right space and layout available for you. It is not a requirement, but it is helpful to planning.
And of course, we can always use more volunteers, especially for gate and registration of entrants.
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