Mar 16, 2015 08:32
Out of curiosity, I decided to check how big, in raw lines of code, Querki has gotten. The current stats are:
[info] Code Statistics for project:
[info] Files
[info] - Total: 419 files
[info] - Scala: 418 files (99.8%)
[info] - Java: 1 files (0.2%)
[info] - Total size: 2,212,824 Bytes
[info] - Avg size: 9,566 Bytes
[info] - Avg length: 229 lines
[info] Lines
[info] - Total: 51,832 lines
[info] - Code: 32,607 lines (62.9%)
[info] - Comment: 11,397 lines (22.0%)
[info] - Blank: 7,828 lines (15.1%)
[info] - Bracket: 4,772 lines (9.2%)
[info] Characters
[info] - Total: 1,894,144 chars
[info] - Code: 1,435,563 chars (75.8%)
[info] - Comment: 458,581 chars (24.2%)So it's 32k SLOC so far, essentially all of it Scala -- probably the equivalent of 75-100k SLOC in Java+Javascript. 1.5MB of source code. (And about 1/3 as many lines of comment, which sounds about right.)
Looked at another way, there are currently 55 top-level code modules on the server, plus another 15 on the client.
Yeah, that's substantial. There's a reason it's taken this long to get to beta...