Update in Theatre Class

Aug 03, 2006 11:40

So, computer lab with the football team is not fun. Although they have convinced me to go to a game, since I personally know people on the team now. Damn them...

We haven't had toilet paper in my house in days...we are all too lazy to go buy any new TP, so I just use napkins from my daily sandwich purchase at Benson.

1. only half of our light switches actually turn anything on, the rest are for purty-ness

2. the internet dies randomly, just like PK's fish of whom I'm caring

3. my mini fridge freezes everything, even taco delight

4. no phone, which the phone company argued with me about

5. the deck has a missing bar, which I call the death hole

6. my ceiling had a leak for one day, which I didn't fix, but magically went away

7. outlets will die for an hour then work again, as if leprechauns fixed them

8. don't even ask about the spice drawer

For a bonus entry, I'm going to rank my housemates past, present, and future.

Brother called: Kyle Heitman (swear to God) called ME. I'm running out of brothers to call. Oh well...
Power hour: Started a Degrassi one
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