yeah, I know. My doc sent me for an unnecessary xray "just in case." But thinking epidemiologically, I think hearing something like, "you know, there is an X% chance that something is up. It most likely is fine, so we can either send you over for an x-ray now, or you can call me in 2 months if the symptoms haven't improved and we can discuss it then."
But the other side of it is that, yeah, it is a "just in case," BUT that unnecessary medical test for "just in case" ALSO increases your risk of cancers down the road.
Did you hear they (USPS task force) changed the mammogram "rules." It's USPSTF and I've already heard about it because my doc told me if she's questioning any preventive treatment, it's the GO-TO source for whether or not to proceed because it looks at all meta-analyses data and decides whether it's worth it or not. So yeah, they changed the mammograms rules so that you shouldn't get a mammogram but every 2 years from the ages of 40-49, and the whole issue there is that soooo much is "caught" then that is not cancerous or problematic, and it leads to waste. I saw a news show with people (sheryl crow who had breast cancer and some docs) weighing in on their thoughts, and I really felt like NONE of them mentioned that yeah, there is a possibility that some cancers won't be caught as early BUT if everyone's doing the monthly breast exams like they're SUPPOSED to(and specifically that these docs are supposed to be advising them to do and teaching proper techniques for), it is NOT likely that women will go long before catching and getting masses checked out, you know? It's like, listen, everyone has complained that mammograms in younger breasts are not great AND you're exposing these women to radiation (and therefore increased risk of cancer) and further unnecessary treatments in order to prevent breast cancer deaths (which is very important) when you HAVE THE RESOURCES to prevent breast cancer deaths just as well without an invasive technique! So quit your bitching, get out there and WORK IT. Ask all your lady clients 40-49 EVERY time they come in if they've done their monthly breast exam and if they have anything to report, cuz the more you ask, the more they're likely to do it more often. I'm just sayin...
But the other side of it is that, yeah, it is a "just in case," BUT that unnecessary medical test for "just in case" ALSO increases your risk of cancers down the road.
Did you hear they (USPS task force) changed the mammogram "rules." It's USPSTF and I've already heard about it because my doc told me if she's questioning any preventive treatment, it's the GO-TO source for whether or not to proceed because it looks at all meta-analyses data and decides whether it's worth it or not. So yeah, they changed the mammograms rules so that you shouldn't get a mammogram but every 2 years from the ages of 40-49, and the whole issue there is that soooo much is "caught" then that is not cancerous or problematic, and it leads to waste. I saw a news show with people (sheryl crow who had breast cancer and some docs) weighing in on their thoughts, and I really felt like NONE of them mentioned that yeah, there is a possibility that some cancers won't be caught as early BUT if everyone's doing the monthly breast exams like they're SUPPOSED to(and specifically that these docs are supposed to be advising them to do and teaching proper techniques for), it is NOT likely that women will go long before catching and getting masses checked out, you know? It's like, listen, everyone has complained that mammograms in younger breasts are not great AND you're exposing these women to radiation (and therefore increased risk of cancer) and further unnecessary treatments in order to prevent breast cancer deaths (which is very important) when you HAVE THE RESOURCES to prevent breast cancer deaths just as well without an invasive technique! So quit your bitching, get out there and WORK IT. Ask all your lady clients 40-49 EVERY time they come in if they've done their monthly breast exam and if they have anything to report, cuz the more you ask, the more they're likely to do it more often. I'm just sayin...
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