Yes, you....

Mar 01, 2011 14:31

Wow, what a gorgeous day outside today.   I had lunch with a good friend, and am now plagued with an issue back a the office.  Ideally, in my puppy dog, and unicorn world, all would be flawless.  Realistically in this exciting place, we call home, it's challenges and chaos, which make the day seem to go by rather quickly.   I find as I deal with more and more people in the technology world, that people have varied definitions of work ethics, and of course personal pride.   I prefer to ensure everything is done as quick as possible, while retaining the highest quality, before I put my name on it.  Others however, seem to prefer to respond with results whenever it may work best for them.  It's not like this is anything new, as it's been this way for ages.  I just can't wrap my head around not wanting to put your personal best forward.    Regardless,  it's a great day, and as I always say "Onwards and upwards!"

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