*pokes community with a stick*
Title: Balconies and Fairytales
Pairings: Hayato/Ryu. Implied Hayato/random woman. Past Ryu/Ichirou (Koki's character in Tokkyu Tanaka San Go ). Ninja!Past!Ryu/Shizuku. And a bunch of random cameos of people who have nothing to do with Gokusen.
Rating: NC-17 if I continue the fic. This part is PG-ish.
Warnings: Sex.
Summary: Nine years after their high school graduation, Ryu and Hayato are forced to face their feelings.
Notes: This is the fic in which I reference pretty much every drama Kame has ever been in. I also went back and edited Koki out of this fic and replaced him with his character from Tokkyu Tanaka San Go. He's not in this chapter, but he'll make at least one more appearance in later chapters.
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3