Aug 14, 2007 17:17
Ok, I just finished watching .Hack Signs. I was following it fairly well. But the resolution made me kinda confused. They were all in danger, that one force took over Sorba (or whatever the annoying prick's name was), and sent him after the rest. I recognized that data drain thing from the beginning of the first PS2 game of the series. But then it all ended cause Helba said she was changing the field or something like that, and then everything was hunky dory. What was up with that? And where do Kite and the other characters from the game fit in? I haven't made it very far into the first on so I don't know the story very well, though I caught that it had been Aura who gave Kite the bracelet. But was that before or after she was awakened by Tsukasa? Where the two things essentially running in parallel? Or was the game story after most of the series except for the story resolution episodes? Though now I understand why Bear and Tsukasa and Mai looked familiar, cause they had nearly identical but separate counterparts. I suppose I will have to play the game through to understand better. But for this sorta thing, I do not mind spoilers.
I'm so confused.