Title: Drabble Testing
Rating: G
Disclaimer: Uh.. right. First try at writing in a while.
Summary: Ruki
Ruki inhaled, his lungs filling with the familiar smog of tobacco. He could feel the bile rise up from the back of his mouth, the pulsing ache of his stomach a morbid bell of warning. It took everything for him to resist the urge to vomit the remainder of his pitiful lunch over the side of the railing, dark spots spotting his vision.
The way the humidity made his jeans stick to his legs and his shirt to his back, the way that the noise of the rain drummed on the roof, it was enough to keep him grounded. It was enough to pretend that he hadn’t come home early, that he hadn’t never seen them.
That he had never seen his lover with someone else and the water on his face was sweat and rain.