title: It is contagious!
yamipandoratheme: the giggles
rating: G
band/pairing: Kagrra, and SuG - no pairings
notes: Silly little drabble because I think spending any time at all with Takeru from SuG would reduce almost anyone to insane laughter. This is even plausible, since Kagrra, and SuG both performed at JRock Invasion in Germany... ^_^
“What’s so funny?” Nao asked.
“No idea,” Shin replied honestly, keeping his hand clamped over his mouth while his shoulders quaked with uncontrollable giggles.
“So why are you laughing?” Nao pressed.
Shin shook his head, pointing across the room at Takeru, who flitted from his bandmates to the roadies to the vending machines. His constant motion was punctuated by outbursts of laughter, wild hand gestures, and silly facial expressions. An unexpected cartwheel left Shin doubled over, clutching his sides.
Nao still didn’t know why they were laughing, but watching Takeru’s antics melted him into a giggling fit next to Shin.