Feb 15, 2006 16:25
[A} umm... we went around talking about pictures
[B] math was boreing all we did were take notes and get a lot of homework
[C] umm.. we watched modern marvels, creepy
[D] well i have the new yourk times v something case.. =/ Monore Doctiurine test to fail tomorrow
[E]spanish test tomorrow
[F] boreing
[G] i love how my lab group is always last to finish i dont want to be in the group anymore haha
so i was wlaking home and this girl pulled over and asked me for a ride, im like how nice, but it was a nice da out so i declined, i remember way back when i was like best friendsw ti hrobert(my neighbor jackie knows him hahaha) when me him and her(the girl that offered the ride) and three otehr random kids went up my street and played basketball, i remember the girl was playing meatloaf and her mom gave us saltines. but i dont know her name, though she does have a strong boston accent, hehe i kinda wish i accepted just so i oculd re-aqquaint myself but oh well.
oh i still cannot get into veronaville in the sims2 im pissed, all my good familys are theere and it wont let me in the neighborhood! grr