Jan 06, 2006 15:59
[A] me and amanda played volleyball haha
[B] failed another math test, god i hate that
[C] umm that test was hard, i should read next time. jassy was back :)
[D] umm woo aced that state capital test, so now he owes me an eraser, yay for lame bets :P
[E] umm woo got an 87 and boo for extra credit this weekend
[F] band wow i never play and its his fault.
[G] umm long block. Mr Macnally was a sub, he told us in match he is gonig to talk to the people who acreditate out school and make them give us 8 blocks a day 1 being a study halll
the bus ride was hillarious
Becca: im lumpy
Me: BAM!
haha way too funny