Guess it was -too- real!

Apr 01, 2010 22:15

Guess I'd like to say April Fool's regarding my last posts - I'm not quite in the market for commissioning a suit; however, a lot of the information was very helpful in case I do start considering, and I'm sure that some bystanders who happen to read through the comments will get some good nuggets of advice!

As for the other part of it, JD's sticking around for the long haul. But I *will* wear him until he falls apart. And I do have that spare fur which will eventually be en route to NYC - it's a close match. We'll see if I am still satisfied with it by the time it comes. But what is interesting is that I got a lot of positive feedback about adopting a new character, particularly one that deviates greatly from the bouncy pup. So as I like to say, there's a little bit of truth in every "just kidding" and the feedback might come in handy after all!

So Happy April Fool's Day everyone! I hope it was a good one!
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