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Jan 23, 2005 21:19

Well I need to write in here more often, but I dont feel like doing a huge-ass update, so I'll do my recent enounters...
Musical tryouts are this week, so I am super nervous. I am sure Mr. C will put the right people in the right parts. I really don't want to be stuck in teh chorus for my senior year, but if it ends up happening, I am sure that the people in it will make it super fun! I also have Solo and Ensemble this coming weekend, AHHH!!! That's so fricken scary! I have 4 events and I am pretty confident in 3, just not my solo. I just need a one, I ended up getting a 2 last year when everybody thought I'd get a one, so that was super dissappointing, I just really want to do a solo at states!
Honors choir was this past week. Great experience, but super tiring, and not to mention I hate to be in a room with 100 girls for 2 whole days! Talk about a cat fight! I was so glad to see testosterone again! lol. The concert went great, the SSAA and the TTBB kicked ass, but I'm not gonna lie, I was very dissappointed in the SATB choir. But Hill Auditorium is flippin AMAZING! WOW! So after the concert they posted who made All-States. Unfortunately, everyone didn't make it, but 3 of us did. Me, Bill, and Alex. I am so UBER proud of Billy, Glo, Mark, and Resha! Honestly, anyone of them could have easily made it, they all have that talent! Not to mention how insanely proud I am of Bill and Alex. They are both such talented people and they do deserve it. Especially Alex because I think this helped her become confident and help her to not forget how talented she is even though she cant sing. And Bill, he is so amazing, I knew he'd make it before anyone! But I am so glad that I made it because for once in a really long time, I am proud of myself. Also, I think other people may realize that I am a good singer and I can make it with the big boys and maybe give me more credit than I get for all the hard work I put in with no recognition. It's okay if they dont, because it just will be how it is now, but if they do, great. But for the first time in a really long time, I feel acomplished and proud of myself. On a side note, I'm not gonna lie, I'm quite hurt by the fact that I called Mrs. T after she already talked to others who told her about All-States and said "I'm so excited" and her first comment was "Are you getting a cold?" and then proceeded to tell me about her cold, and not once in the whole conversation, which was Saturday night, or even on Sunday, did she tell me good job, or congradulations, NOTHING! She didn't even mention anything whatsoever. Thats really crappy and hurtful!
So thats really about it. A lot of shit happened over break, so I guess so sum it up, my mom stopped breathing, was in ICU for 10 days, almost died twice, I didn't have christmas, and now she's home but is really depressed and I have now become her mother because she can't take care of herself. So it may seem that sometimes I look depressed and stuff, well that's because I am overwhelmed trying to be a mother to a 45 year old woman, not to mention I have no brothers and sisters and no friends who understand or really care enough to comfort me, excecpt a few individuals, who know who they are. So yes, I am a little down some days, but that's because I need my mommy, who I dont have anymore, I need someone to comfort me and I dont have that. But I get through, I get through because of my faith. Thank god for GOD!
Alright, thats my update, I am done! Good night to everyone!
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