Haha! Yes. That's exactly it. Klaus cut Elijah's hair because he was jealous. Makes perfect sense.
And yeah, I hate Meredith too, but that's mostly because of her crappy acting. I can't tell if her acting is purposefully crappy 'cause she's probably going to end up evil or if she's just a bad actress.
I have no idea who's (theoretically) possessing Alaric. I hated Mikael (dude was a douche) so I'm voting not-him. When Klaus was in Alaric's body, did he ever die-and-come-back? I don't think so, but that would help prove/disprove my theory, so I should go back and look into that.
I'm just wondering why whoever the bad guy is (*cough*Meredith*cough*) is doing all this. Seems random... well, Founders Council, but other than that, totally random. Especially since Alaric has the ring and Bill had vampire blood. The medical examiner was just annoying so no one cared about him coming back.
As for the 'other doppelgangers in the sea' I didn't actually mean Katherine. (Although, I do like the occasional Katherine/Stefan moment). I just meant that there are other girls, but since those two only ever go for doppelgangers, they can wait a couple hundred years and fall for the next one. Or (preferably) fall in love with a nice, normal, not-a-trouble-magnet girl right now. But honestly, I think they'd get bored so maybe a nice, normal, only-moderately-a-trouble-magnet girl.
But going back to Katherine, yes, she got them into some trouble but if you measure the amount of trouble Katherine got them into versus the amount Elena has... no contest, Elena wins hands down. Especially when you consider it has only been a year. Back before they revealed that and we thought 2 seasons = 2 years, the amount of trouble she got into seemed less significant (to me at least) but when you squish 2 seasons worth of drama into 1 year... woah.
My point is, Elena needs to let Damon and Stefan go. She doesn't even want to be a vampire so she'll just break up with them in like 2 years anyway. And Damon and Stefan need to get over their doppelganger fetish. It's not healthy. I'm sure there must be a vampire psychologist somewhere they can talk to about their issues. And everyone else needs to let Elena go too because I can't remember the last time someone did something and it didn't trail back to Elena somehow. I mean, even when they try and have their own lives, Klaus tells Tyler to bite Caroline in revenge for Elena not stopping Stefan or Bonnie ends up blabbing Stefan's secret hiding place to Elena. Doesn't anyone have their own life? ...Well, Jeremy, but even that was forced on him by Elena. Even the dead people came back to help Elena out. WTF.
Oh gosh, I know what you mean. I love S/E but my endgame has always been Matt/Elena. The girl is not gonna turn and I think if she ever chose to, I'd lose some respect for her. I disagree about the trouble though, but only in comparison to Katherine. If she'd stayed with them instead of disappearing, I have no doubt they'd have gotten into just as much trouble trying to protect her as they do with Elena. Maybe even more because Katherine would have put them in dangerous positions on purpose to get her way in the end. Regardless, those boys need to move on, preferably to two totally different women. Maybe women who have never met, from opposite sides of the planet, just to be safe.
I don't know if I liked Mikael, he wasn't around long enough for me to decide, which is why I wish he was still around. There was so much build up around him and then he was dead right away, it felt like a waste. It's getting to the point where when someone dies I just roll my eyes. Caroline heard that phone ringing and I honestly said, "Ugh," because I knew exactly what was about to happen.
If Alaric did heal while Klaus was possessing him, it doesn't disprove your theory. Klaus could still compel people while in Ric's body, so it's entirely possible he'd have been able to heal too.
Katherine's more self-serving than Elena so if she were in danger, Damon and Stefan wouldn't really need to help. I'm sure they would, but in the end, Katherine will take care of Katherine. Elena, on the other hand, actively tries to get herself killed so Stefan and Damon are constantly stuck babysitting her. Katherine would get Stefan and Damon in trouble, yes, but it would be playful (for her at least. It's unlikely that Stefan and Damon would feel it playful). Elena's trouble is more... worrying. And I really think that Katherine cares more about the brothers than Elena does because when Katherine disappeared in 1864, she could have taken them with her, but she didn't want Klaus hunting them down too (and she probably didn't want the extra burden) but we KNOW that she cared for them, so she must have, at some point, thought about bringing them with her and decided it would be better for them if they didn't. I have yet to see Elena decide it would be better for Stefan or Damon if she weren't in their lives. I've seen her decide it would be better for her life, but not theirs. Er... the point was, yes Katherine would get them in trouble, but I think it would be an entirely different kind of trouble than the life-threatening situations Elena puts them in. (Not that Katherine's issues aren't often life threatening. She just usually has a plan and a back up plan and a back up plan for that back up plan. Elena just expects people to catch her when she falls).
And yeah, I really did expect the Mikael thing to go on longer, but he did go out with a bang so I'm pretty okay with it. Plus I hated him. But I only hated him because I love Klaus... always. Team Klaus in everything.
I think Klaus!Alaric said that he had some healing but not enough which is why he had his witch put that spell on him (when Bonnie pretended to die). But the ring doesn't heal him, it just brings him back from the dead. So if Klaus!Alaric died (which I'm pretty sure he didn't) and came back slowly or oddly (like in the show right now), that would help prove my theory. But like I said, I'm almost certain it didn't happen so I guess we'll just have to keep watching to see if I'm right or wrong.
Oh, and yes, I agree that the Salvatores need to find new girls who have never met each other, seen each other or are oddly related to each other by a birth mother that also happens to be their aunt's boyfriend's wife. But that will never happen.
You're right about Klaus!Alaric. I totally forgot about that. I'm really on board with this Alaric-is-possessed theory now. I feel bad since I love the guy but it was so much fun when Klaus!Alaric was around, another round of that might be interesting. Plus I don't really want it to be Jeremy. I want the compulsion to go horribly wrong and I want him to not be gone, but this would only prove Elena right in her reasoning and I don't want that.
Basically what you said: Doppelgangers=trouble. Especially for Salvatores. I bet you could go back through the generations and discover that some of their ancestors got into trouble with other members of the Petrova bloodline. (Which TVD might actually do one day, given how they love bashing us over the head with parallels.)
Everyone needs to dump everyone and then find new, less-damaging relationships. (Or Alaric could find a more-damaging relationship with Esther. I don't know why I want it. I just do. All of a sudden. In the last twelve hours. It came to me and it's a thing I want very much. Not just because I hate what's-her-face, but I'm mature enough to admit that's a factor.)
Hahaha! Alaric/Esther! Oh, wow. Well, he might as well embrace his bad luck.
And I'm pretty sure Jeremy comes back. I think he's filming although I could have totally just made that up just now.
As for the doppelganger=trouble bit, I actually wonder if their horrible luck is magical. They're supernatural creatures with no actual abilities of their own (unless the power to die to lift Klaus' curse counts as an ability). And the show has finally brought up the original doppelganger, Tatiana. I am unsurprised by her back story.
Everyone just needs to stop falling in love with doppelgangers.
And yeah, I hate Meredith too, but that's mostly because of her crappy acting. I can't tell if her acting is purposefully crappy 'cause she's probably going to end up evil or if she's just a bad actress.
I have no idea who's (theoretically) possessing Alaric. I hated Mikael (dude was a douche) so I'm voting not-him. When Klaus was in Alaric's body, did he ever die-and-come-back? I don't think so, but that would help prove/disprove my theory, so I should go back and look into that.
I'm just wondering why whoever the bad guy is (*cough*Meredith*cough*) is doing all this. Seems random... well, Founders Council, but other than that, totally random. Especially since Alaric has the ring and Bill had vampire blood. The medical examiner was just annoying so no one cared about him coming back.
As for the 'other doppelgangers in the sea' I didn't actually mean Katherine. (Although, I do like the occasional Katherine/Stefan moment). I just meant that there are other girls, but since those two only ever go for doppelgangers, they can wait a couple hundred years and fall for the next one. Or (preferably) fall in love with a nice, normal, not-a-trouble-magnet girl right now. But honestly, I think they'd get bored so maybe a nice, normal, only-moderately-a-trouble-magnet girl.
But going back to Katherine, yes, she got them into some trouble but if you measure the amount of trouble Katherine got them into versus the amount Elena has... no contest, Elena wins hands down. Especially when you consider it has only been a year. Back before they revealed that and we thought 2 seasons = 2 years, the amount of trouble she got into seemed less significant (to me at least) but when you squish 2 seasons worth of drama into 1 year... woah.
My point is, Elena needs to let Damon and Stefan go. She doesn't even want to be a vampire so she'll just break up with them in like 2 years anyway. And Damon and Stefan need to get over their doppelganger fetish. It's not healthy. I'm sure there must be a vampire psychologist somewhere they can talk to about their issues. And everyone else needs to let Elena go too because I can't remember the last time someone did something and it didn't trail back to Elena somehow. I mean, even when they try and have their own lives, Klaus tells Tyler to bite Caroline in revenge for Elena not stopping Stefan or Bonnie ends up blabbing Stefan's secret hiding place to Elena. Doesn't anyone have their own life? ...Well, Jeremy, but even that was forced on him by Elena. Even the dead people came back to help Elena out. WTF.
I don't know if I liked Mikael, he wasn't around long enough for me to decide, which is why I wish he was still around. There was so much build up around him and then he was dead right away, it felt like a waste. It's getting to the point where when someone dies I just roll my eyes. Caroline heard that phone ringing and I honestly said, "Ugh," because I knew exactly what was about to happen.
If Alaric did heal while Klaus was possessing him, it doesn't disprove your theory. Klaus could still compel people while in Ric's body, so it's entirely possible he'd have been able to heal too.
And yeah, I really did expect the Mikael thing to go on longer, but he did go out with a bang so I'm pretty okay with it. Plus I hated him. But I only hated him because I love Klaus... always. Team Klaus in everything.
I think Klaus!Alaric said that he had some healing but not enough which is why he had his witch put that spell on him (when Bonnie pretended to die). But the ring doesn't heal him, it just brings him back from the dead. So if Klaus!Alaric died (which I'm pretty sure he didn't) and came back slowly or oddly (like in the show right now), that would help prove my theory. But like I said, I'm almost certain it didn't happen so I guess we'll just have to keep watching to see if I'm right or wrong.
Oh, and yes, I agree that the Salvatores need to find new girls who have never met each other, seen each other or are oddly related to each other by a birth mother that also happens to be their aunt's boyfriend's wife. But that will never happen.
Basically what you said: Doppelgangers=trouble. Especially for Salvatores. I bet you could go back through the generations and discover that some of their ancestors got into trouble with other members of the Petrova bloodline. (Which TVD might actually do one day, given how they love bashing us over the head with parallels.)
Everyone needs to dump everyone and then find new, less-damaging relationships. (Or Alaric could find a more-damaging relationship with Esther. I don't know why I want it. I just do. All of a sudden. In the last twelve hours. It came to me and it's a thing I want very much. Not just because I hate what's-her-face, but I'm mature enough to admit that's a factor.)
Hahaha! Alaric/Esther! Oh, wow. Well, he might as well embrace his bad luck.
And I'm pretty sure Jeremy comes back. I think he's filming although I could have totally just made that up just now.
As for the doppelganger=trouble bit, I actually wonder if their horrible luck is magical. They're supernatural creatures with no actual abilities of their own (unless the power to die to lift Klaus' curse counts as an ability). And the show has finally brought up the original doppelganger, Tatiana. I am unsurprised by her back story.
Everyone just needs to stop falling in love with doppelgangers.
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