my best freind

Dec 25, 2006 21:33

ok this is thew deal i know there is soemthing that is wrongh with my bf alex. she took me off her myspace. her away message yesturday wasnt to great it was depressing. i tried top wish her a merry xmas and she cut me off to talk to her other freidnd. i dont know if i did anythign wrong. i worried im losing my bf ive known sence 6th grade. my lo\ngest freind ever. i wish i known wht was goin on . her friend was mean to mew. idk whts with that. im worry god. if there is a way then i wanna have my freind back. its like losing a poiece of a boidy part. liek your leg u cant walk with out it. god help me please im begging!!!!


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