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TW (Harry Potter Kids vs. Stranger Things Kids) jdnightghobhadi February 5 2020, 21:16:00 UTC
This doesn't exactly fit into the main theme of the post, so I guess I'll include this here:

So, I understand that it's quite common for people to draw comparisons between the Stranger Things Kids and Harry Potter Kids, particularly when it comes to critiquing Millie Bobby Brown and what her having a, by all accounts, toxic stage dad will do for her future (if Thora Birch's career teaches us anything - I hope this won't happen to her!). The fact that many of them are underage still and are signed with high fashion brands and have insane Instagram followings (scarily unfiltered and with no regards to boundaries by adults who worship these kids like literal Gods and have access to seemingly nearly every part of their public lives put on display) - all of this shares little in common with the HP Kids when they were around the ST Kids' ages. Back in the ancient days of the 2000s, social media was still quite young and designer fashion trends for kids on the red carpet was virtually non-existent. One only has to look as far as the red carpet premieres for Goblet of Fire. When the Golden Trio were reaching the end of teenhood, Twitter was still just a new thing. Some of the cast have Twitters and Instagrams, etc. NOW (with some setting up accounts ca. 2010 before the last film came out), but social media at the maddening scope that it is today was not around then.

With that said, the HP Kids absolutely dealt with their massive fame in their own ways and to say that the ST Kids will spiral downwards because the HP Kids are so well-adjusted by comparison don't take into account that the HP cast did not, for the most part, have their teen years broadcast on social media like what's happening to young actors now. There was the toxicity of paps, sure, and poor Emma Watson received the worst treatment in that department (anyone remember the invasive upskirt shots taken of her on her 18th birthday?); however, the HP Kids had somewhat of a luxury. Without social media, they could easily conceal their normal human problems in private and weren't as vulnerable to the Internet stan culture. If Dan's candid interviews about his alcoholism tell us anything (and I have OCD with a likelihood for addiction and my late paternal grandfather was an alcoholic, so I'm not interested in demonizing his addiction because I strongly sympathize with him), he hid his insecurities rather well.

Of course, Dan has been pretty open about this too, but by the time he was in his early teens, his fame was sinking in and he did experience anxiety. When he was 16, he began a serious relationship with a trainee hairdresser, Amanda "Amy" Byrne (then 21-23) who worked with him on Goblet of Fire (Dan was 14, 15 at the time). While there's nothing inherently wrong with this (the age of consent in the UK is 16), he lost his virginity young to Byrne and cites that it was a positive experience; my only concern is that this appears to violate a workplace relationship and a 23-year-old does not have the same life experience as a 16-year-old (I would feel better if she were closer in age, maybe 19, to be honest). And the Daily Fail is trash, needless to say but at present, it's the only article I can find with adequate information.

Anyhow, I'm really glad to see that Dan appears to be doing well (to me, he sounds WAY happier then he's ever been) and is all right with talking honestly about his past demons. I only wish the best for all the former HP child actors and the ST Kids.


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