Aug 13, 2008 10:21
I've just realised mine has cost me a lot for very little return.
My dream of working from home has cost me: 12 years of worrying about money, unknown amount of money in buying ;things I need to get started' and also money to buy things to try and make me feel happier, lord only knows how much time wiht my kids (which is the most ironic because it was supposed to give me more time with them), and countless sleepless nights.
But I want to look at the positive as well.
The pursuit of my dream to work from home has brought me: skills, experience, friends, wisdom and knowledge.
The dream has not become a reality, but I won't say it wasn't worth pursuing.
You know, thinking about it, I often said to myself 'I'd give just about anything to be able to work from home'. Of course I always gave myself a way out because I'd never give up my soul, my kids lives or silly things like that. But would I have given 9000 sleepless nights? Or 3700 smacks on my kids bottoms because I'm tired and frustrated and they are fighting? Almost certainly not.
Yet I am very thankful I have grown a little today. I am very thankful i've lived through another day and made another discovery for myself (because you can be told and told, but you don't learn until you've experienced it).
Today i am thankful I had the courage to chase my dream and the wisdom to know what I achieved.