Oct 25, 2005 05:43
I'm sitting here at work, watching CNN. They're running a story on the Iraq bombings. As I am watching the report and they show the bombings, I notice that they cut a piece of the story from what I saw on the internet from MSNBC. On the MSNBC video it showed that the cement truck went through the security wall that was made by the first blast towards the hotel. However as it approached the U.S. Military in the area pushed the truck back and it detonated outside of the breach in the street. On CNN, they cut this part out and made it look like it detonated inside the security wall. Even the reporter reporting the story made it sound like it detonated inside the security wall. This got me to thinking about some things, and I started to think back to reports that I have seen on CNN or other news sources and the truths or half truths I have seen. I wonder if Jack Thompson would like to comment on these that I have seen.
During 9/11, before it was found out who was responsible and how they were trained, I saw a report on CNN that the terrorists responsible trained using the MSN Flight Simulator. This report so thoroughly disgusted me due to the blatant lie that it was (we didn't even know who it was at the time, let alone how they trained, but they instantly went to video games. I remember this report VERY vividly. It was Paula Zahn who reported on it) that vowed I would never watch CNN again. The only reason I watched it this morning is because my partner was watching it.
Jack Thompson stating that the Malvo boy involved in the Washington Sniper case trained by playing Halo. I guess the fact that his partner in the crime was a Military trained sniper and that the Malvo boy even stayed with this person (John Mohammad) is a non issue. Using a fictional energy weapon in a Sci-Fi fantasy game will give you more training and make you a better shooter than being taught by someone who was taught by the military? riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight. If that were true then I am the best football coach around and the Houston Texans should hire me because not only will I turn their season around and start them winning. I'll actually take them to the Super Bowl and they will win it this year. Why do I know that I can do it? Simply because playing Madden trained me to do it. I have no real world football experience whatsoever. But I do have about 10 years worth of Madden experience so that should actually make me a better coach then Madden himself. Just ask Jack Thompson. I'm just using his logic in that all games are "training simulators".
There are a few more, however I have to do a bit more research. Unlike Jack Thompson I like to do thorough research on something before I write or say something about it