Feb 20, 2006 13:33
Mr. Ward
I am writing to you in reference to Bill HB 2921 that you introduced. I noticed the penalties for the Bill and I am curious how the penalties compare to the penalties for someone who sells cigarettes or alcohol to a minor in your state.
I am also curious about another conern with your Bill. It appears that there are no concessions for if a parent buys a game for their child. From what I have seen of the Bill, a parent who buys an M rated or AO rated game for their child can be charged and fined under this bill as well. Do you think that it is really right for the State Legislature to be saying how parents can and cannot raise their children in regards to the type of entertainment can be brought into their home? I must ask you sir, how you would feel if a police officer came to your home to arrest you because someone reported to them that you had bought a movie that someone else deemed "inappropriate for minors", or rated R by the MPAA, for your child. Doesn't scenario sound a little ridiculous to you? This is what your Bill does for a parent who wants to buy an M rated Video game for a child.
I would be more than happy to discuss this situation with you futher. I can easily be reached at jdmcgill1@yahoo.com. I hope to hear from you soon sir. Thank you for your consideration into this matter.
Joshua D. McGill