the Burning Zone

Mar 10, 2008 14:43

Edward Marcase

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tv, screencaps, the burning zone

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ex_nonniemou154 March 10 2008, 19:27:18 UTC
Edward looks so lovely when he sulks. GUH. Damn, the wasted potential of this show is still frustrating, years later.

Someday I'm going to have to give in and write the SPN/BZ crossover that no one's written for me yet. You KNOW the BZ guys would have been called in after events in Croatoan; they had to be.


disanddat March 10 2008, 19:31:18 UTC
If you don't... maybe I should. I'm finding myself without much fic-ish inspiration over these last few weeks. I should watch BZ again all the way through.


ex_nonniemou154 March 10 2008, 22:31:00 UTC
I need to watch it through again as well--though I have never gotten past the first few minutes of the episodes after JDM and Tamlyn Tomita left. Think I will queue it up over spring break.

You should write your story whether or not I write one. I just know the FBI is there as well, and Henrickson arrests Edward because obviously he's John Winchester in disguise, checking up on his kids, and then Sam and Dean hear about their "father" being arrested, and Edward's got to be a skinwalker or some other demonic being "wearing" their dad and ... Okay, you know a story wants to be written when it starts plotting itself out. *g* Damn, I may have my spring break project.


ex_nonniemou154 March 10 2008, 22:32:42 UTC
Oh, and I haven't forgotten my promise to write a small Angel snippet; just my brain's been fried and then some with homework this quarter. It's first on my to-write list when I get a spare brain cell or two.


disanddat March 11 2008, 20:03:42 UTC
I am the last person to be pushing you about finishing a fic on a time-limit. I'm still puttering away at that ElSid fic I started months ago. If and when you do it... way cool, but no pressure.

Burning Zone... hmmm. Burning Zone with slash in it. Yeap, the world needs some more of that.


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