It's Only Convenient For Me

Feb 16, 2020 15:01

Written for the SPN-Meant To Be spn_meanttobe 2019/2020 Challenge.
Based on the prompt book prompt: A Man of Means - Mark had seemed far out of her reach. Dana had fallen in love with him - yet how could a seventeen-year-old hold the interest of such a mature successful man? Though his marriage proposal was a surprise, she eagerly accepted and asked no questions. But Mark let her know that theirs would not be a normal relationship. Bitterly she pondered why he had married her. Then one day he cruelly told her, “I was blackmailed.” His happiness and her pride were at stake, and Dana refused to remain a mere pawn in her own life.

Beta: rocketmojo
Pairing: Jared Padalecki/Jensen Ackles
Characters: Jared Padalecki, Jensen Ackles, Joshua Ackles, Original Female Characters, Original Male Characters
Warnings: Hurt Jensen, Omega Jensen, Alpha Jared, Manipulation, Lies, Heartbreak, Heats, Knotting, Claiming, Claiming Bite/Mark, Top Jared, Bottom Jensen, Mpreg
Word Count: 24,484

Summary: Jensen is an unmated omega who meets Jared, an alpha, while visiting his brother at their family’s law firm and is clearly interested in Jared. Jared works for Josh and he’s been passed over for a promotion he deserves. Josh hates the idea that he has an unmated omega for a brother, despite the fact that Jensen has his Master’s in Early Childhood Education, is gainfully employed and owns his own home. He blackmails Jared into dating Jensen and then into mating with him.


2019/2020 spn_meanttobe challenge, alpha, omega, j2

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