Art for Flinch

Nov 19, 2019 13:34

Art for Flinch by storyspinner70

The artwork, when posted for claiming was titled: What Will You Offer Me?

Art prompt: Jared is an experienced dom. He has everything he could ever want, a great job, prestige, money, he owns his own home, except someone to share that side of his life with. Jensen is a sub who has been hurt by his last dom. He’s still holding out hope that he can find the right dom, someone who will see him as more than just a play thing. Jared is introduced to Jensen one night while at a BDSM club he frequents and a spark of interest is ignited in them both. Jared has to win Jensen over, convince him he is not only looking for a sub, but someone to spend his life with.

storyspinner70 claimed my art and prompt, creating the story titled Flinch.

See the artwork created to accompany the story AO3

Read the story here: AO3

2019 spn_reversebang, digital art, j2

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