Jul 09, 2004 01:03
doode... good news, i didn't get caught. bad news, well, not too bad. Let's begin, shall we?
11:30 p.m. 6/25/04
snuck out to go play with:EMILY,NUNU,CINDY, AND TIFFIANI.
We went to some keg'n'the woods thing out by the landing,it was kinda lame, not really worth sneeking out for, espically since it was my last night of groundation, and I wasn't drinking. Anyway, we went out there, at least it was a nice night, and FRANKIE, and KRIS WITH A K were there, which makes since /c they told us about it. SO then JULIANNE called me and told me that KATIE was going to drop her off, she needed directions, and that she thought she ws followin KEVIN and CHRIS. Which she was. I walked to the end of the leeve to meet them and we just went and chilled for a while. Then somebody saw lights and yelledCOPS!!! FuCk Me, so everybody started running. GAY. I hadn't done anything wrong, but I decided it would be a good Idea to at least walk in the other direction, so ME and JULES went to this ditch, the only way out of the cops vision, Pretty much where everybody else was, we grabbed eacother's hands and went down, only to discover... that we were stuck. FUCK again. SO JULES and I are stuck in a fucking irragation ditch, in flip flops no less, and the cops are comming. NICE. It was fucking hilarioous though, I mean, a bunch of teenagers, many of whom are drunk, stuck in a fucking irragation ditch. "I dropped my phone!!!" "My shoes are stuck!" "I can't find my keys!" these were just a few of the cries heard. I finally managed to pry both of my shoes outta the mud, but JULES, TIFFIANI, and CINDY, weren't so lucky, they lost either both or one of their shoes. So all of us all muddied up, went down to where we parked the cars, but unfortunatly, Emily drove, and was still in the woods somewhere being chased by poepoes. So we are all stuck and then more poepoe showed up by the cars. SO, KEVIN and CHRIS jumped in the truck and bounced. ME, JULES, TIFFIANI, NUNU, and CINDY, were stuck. We started walking so we didn't get CAUGHT by the police, and we stopped in front of some appt. complex, and washed off all the mud we had on our asses, feet, hands, and then some. WE needed a ride so we tried calling everybody we knew who could drive. Nobody could save us, so we walked to the Quick Stop where we went for prom a couple months before, and NUNU called J.LO,(Josh Lopez), and low and behold, he could save us. By the way JOSH you are the shit. JOSH took all of us home, and we fucking love him for it. I have pictures of some of the muddyness that I speak of, so, I'll try to post em later. Fuck Me What a night. everybody set out to get some ass, and all we got was an ass... load of mud. Whatever, partially worth it in the end. The only thing is... I'm a little pissed off at someone, but only a little, cause.. well... if you knew who it was... you'd know.