Post to be Added

Jan 01, 2015 00:00

Please leave a post here if you wish to be added. (banner by xsweet_rainex at lolanicon)

Arigatou gozaimasu! -Rei/Rukia

(( Friends-Only since Nov 4, 2004 ))

Amended: November 13, 2008

There are a few things you need to keep in mind if you would like to add me.

First and foremost, I'm above the "21" age mark, a college graduate, and living on my own. So all those who are high school age and below- I hope you have maturity about you, because there's only so much teenage-years stuff I care to re-live, thanks.

Secondly, despite the fact that I'm a Florida-based cosplayer, there's only so much drama I can handle. Believe me, I have had enough drama and ANGST! in my life right now to fill two lifetimes, which includes two family deaths within 6 weeks. I won't hold a lot of sympathy for petty things, especially if you're one of those who has the "I hate my parents for something stupid" moments. You have parents- be blessed and happy, because you won't know what you had until you've lost it and can't have it back.

Thirdly, I'd prefer having only people who can be supportive friends being on my friendslist. If you're adding me for the sake of adding, please don't. Many of the things I write in my LJ are personal and I'd prefer only real friends being privy to the pains of my life, if you don't mind.

Next on the list, please be able to utilize the LJ-cut feature. I may finally be off dial-up, but I don't enjoy scrolling a long time just to get past one person's post. It's courteous, ya know. Plus it just makes things neater and easier to find later when I'm skimming through my friend's list looking for something specific. A lot of those memes and quizzes and things...I really don't care to be scrolling past 3 or 4 times within my friendslist.

Oh, also:: If you have a problem with me, bring it to me. Don't sit on it and let things fester and talk about it to friends, etc, etc. Tell me. I don't bite. (Hard. *grin*) I can't fix things if I don't know what's wrong.

All in all, should I remove you and you want to be added back, leave me a comment and I'll see what I can do. I reserve the right to remove without warning, though.

Finally, and very important: you must comment in order for me to even consider adding you. Don't comment, don't get added. That simple.
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