Dec 10, 2008 21:27
Yikes, I can never go to sleep when I plan. I have a bit of semi-insomnia/"I don't wanna go to bed yet!" syndrome and so I'm going to write a post. Not too much has been going on with me....hence the lack of writing in my journal. I'm excited because this year my mom and I decided to do the 12 days of Christmas. Mom, dad and myself each get to open 1 present a night, and it's mainly going to be useful presents that we all need. Last Saturday mom and I went to the mall and got simple things like sweaters and pillows....and I am actually so releived that this Christmas is going to be a stress free one. I was getting so worried because of lack of funds, because my first instinct is to by my mom everything she wants, which I just can't do right now.
I've been trying to take a very simplified view of the holidays this year, and I just can't stand the consumerism that is dominating this world right now. Don't get me wrong, I love to shop and see new products on the shelf in a store, or feel pretty fabrics/try on pretty clothes....I just want to simplify my life and stop "wanting" what I can't have before realizing how blessed I really am. There was a really good article in a magazine I read called "Gift detox" and it's really helping. I think what brought this feeling on was a couple of months ago I started to reread "Little Women". In the very beginning the girls are told they won't have presents this year because money is too tight. In the end they realize that simple gifts given with love mean more than material goods. It's so easy to lose sight of the love of giving nowadays, at least with me.
Anywho, that was a much longer rant than I intended. As I write this my kitten and my puppy are fighting for the spot next to me on the couch. Simba has just one, and Chipotle has retreated to recharge with Stuffy and a little food. She's back now and I have to watch how I type on my laptop because a claw may accidentally swing my way. I love being loved *lol*. They're good animals...I love them...and my other two kitties two.
On another note, I have decided that I am totally in love with Eleanor of Aquitaine. I don't know if any of you have heard of her, but she was Duchess of Aquitaine, Queen of France and then Queen of England. She was an awesome woman and I've been reading "When Christ and His Saints Slept" by Sharon Kay Penman again....fabulous book that has her in it...but also tells the story of the Empress Maude, Eleanor's mother-in-law. If you want a good movie about her check out "A Lion in Winter" with Glenn Close and Patrick Stewart. Henry II had to lock Eleanor in a castle to stop her from declaring war on him! How freakin' cool was this woman?? I love her. She was totally a Wells woman *lol*
I hope everyone has a blessed holiday season this year. It's supposed to snow tomorrow, with a possible winter storm, so maybe I'll have a snowday! Ha, ya right. But I always love to dream.
I'm off to bed, I'll try and write more in the future, and that allows for less ranty posts. Night!
PS-I got out my Darth Vader snow globe out this week....yay :-D:-D:-D