Apr 20, 2009 23:27
We were supposed to have three big construction projections going on on campus starting in the fall. The library, the student center, and the first dorms were all supposed to start going up within a very short period of time. Once we got the financing. Oops.
The library actually came close to the expected start time. The student center, which is right next door, got held up more because of some details about the layout of the building more than anything else, so they were at least able to also do some prep work at the same time as for the library. As a result that portion of campus has been a mess for several months now. However most of that area was just a wide grassy area beforehand, so now there are piles of dirt all over the place but it's still very much recognizable as looking the same.
The dorms got substantially held up and only just started a few weeks ago. They are going in an area that had been woods beforehand. Apparently the college president tried to get the construction firm to save some of the older trees in the region, but it turns out that wasn't possible. There's currently a difference of over 80 feet in elevation between the lowest spot and the highest spot on the site, so they're going to have to quite literally level the area.
That's a portion of the campus I saw all the time last year but rarely see this year. This evening was one of the times when I got over there and holy crap is it striking. Basically everything's been knocked down on the building site. In addition, there is going to have to be an access road which goes around the edge of campus to the dorms and that means more trees going down. It's rather astonishing.
On the one hand it's kind of cool to see all these things that have been in the planning stages for quite a while now turning into reality. On the other hand, my inner Lorax isn't exactly pleased...