Aug 31, 2010 22:20
So how do I start? I suppose I'm asking myself that...but if I'm asking MYSELF how to start how am I supposed to come up with the answer? If I don't know, how can I expect myself to know once I've asked myself? An interesting question to be sure which deserves to be discussed and thought about. However, that's not what this post is about. So in the immortal words of one of the great comedic geniuses, "Now for something completely different."
This post is about this CRAZY thing called Love. Now, I say crazy thing because quite frankly I don't understand a damn thing about it. I mean who really does? Everybody has theories and opinions that the pass on or sell as fact, but how can there be solid truths to something that for all intents and purposes shouldn't exist? Science can explain why we are able to function and how we are to be biologically alive, but it can't explain how or why we're able to dream, love, imagine, etc. So again I say, who really knows what love is all about? I sure as hell don't. But that doesn't stop me from feeling this biological impossibility.
I love Jessica Kristen Rose Elias. I love how "Rose" is part of her name. I love how she is a class 6 nerd who has crushes on non-existent people and characters. I love the fact that she'll try to watch TV with her glasses off even though there's no way in hell that she can possibly see the damn thing. I love the fact that almost every time we start making out I can either taste the mint flavor from the gum that she just discarded or, taste the gum itself because she left the damn thing in her mouth. I LOVE her body. I love everything about this girl. But if you add all of that up, you don't get a set value for how MUCH you love somebody. It's not like "well if you love this, this, and this, your love value goes up to 5". There are no numbers attached to love. You can't add it up like a mathematical equation. So how is it, that I love her so much?
I've loved Jessica from very early on in our relationship. It was almost instant for me. Something just clicked. Something said, "Yes. This girl is special." We've been together for One year four months and five days. My love for her has obviously grown during that time. However, it's always grown at a steady pace, almost like there was a set rate at which it grew. Like a graph or something. Yet lately, and by lately I mean for the past few weeks or even the past month, somebody has been cranking up the juice so to speak. The steady rate at which my love previously grew has been swapped out for an exponential equation and boy let me tell ya, that graph is climbing skywards FAST. I don't know why, I don't know how. I just know that every time I think about her, every time I look at a picture of her, or read something that she has written, my heart skips a beat. Every time I get a text from her, I wish she was here with me. She's coming back this weekend and the thought that I might not get to see her because she'll be working or I'll be working causes me physical pain. WHAT IS GOING ON?! I don't know. I have no explanation. No theories or opinions. All I know is that I wish she were here right now so I could tell her all of this in person. Jessica, honey, I love you. I don't know what kind of witchcraft you've pulled, but I'm all yours.