My cousin called me 'bodacious' today.. he's 13. I was like.. dude.. the teenage mutant ninja turtles used to say that.. and even THEN I didn't know what the hell it meant. So I edumacated mahself and looked it up.
Apparently.. this comic 'Snuffy Smith'
Made the phrase popular... I never heard of/read it before. Bodacious is supposedly a combination of the words 'Bold' and 'Audacious'. The online dictionary I read notes that the word 'Bodacious' is defined as:
1. Remarkable; prodigious.
2. Audacious; gutsy.
1. Completely; extremely.
2. Audaciously; boldly.
Surprising isn't it... almost as surprising as the fact that isn't is not a gramatically correct word.
And that.. was your fact for the day. Well.. the uh.. bodacious thing was.. since that was kinda the point of the post.. not the uh.. isn't thing. yeah...