So, I've decided to delete all of my old entries and start anew.
June is fast approaching, and so is a new start for me. At the end of May, I will be situated in Alabama with
ceralor, living with him at
snowmew's apartment. I'm very excited, as well as a little bit nervous, but I'm certain everything will work out. A dream has finally come true for me, as I can finally be with my lover.
I'll miss my family, of course, as well as a few friends. A large portion of the people that I knew in Michigan, though, didn't really care so much as to what happened to me. I always felt like the odd wheel, basically just there either to fix a problem, or to provide information to people. It made me realize that a number of people, people who I considered friends, didn't really care much about me at all.
I'll still come back to visit Michigan, as there are only a few things it can give me that I can't really find anywhere else, but right now, I don't have much of a life here. The few friends I have will be gone on summer trips and eventually back to college, and the rest don't care enough to invite me anywhere. The life that I had here doesn't really exist much anymore, so a fresh start should hopefully make me feel better.
It's Tuesday, and
ceralor plans to start traveling up here late Thursday night/very early Friday morning. Once up here, we should be able to get all of my stuff packed, and then back to Auburn we both can go. It's now that I realize that I have way too much stuff.
As a general note, I've opened this journal to everybody once more. Comments will be screened this time, at least for non-friends.